My wife catches me...


GT Owner
Nov 6, 2012
North of Dallas, Texas
So, my wife catches me sitting on the garage floor with a drink looking at the FGT and asks me what I was doing. I told her admiring the lines of the car and how it just screams speed. Before I can tell her any more about the car, she walks back into the house stating that I have issues and should seek professional help.

She doesn’t get it, but that's ok.

I know, with all the man cave pictures I have seen, there are others that sit and do the same. Please tell me I am not alone. Did your significant other have the same or different reaction?


GT Owner
Aug 23, 2009
Believe me you are not alone. I love sitting in the garage listening to music and admiring the cars. It's great therapy.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
One of my favorite pastimes...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida
Mine knows where to find me if I'm not in the house. She understands though. She can't feel the same way I do, but I know she thinks the GT is amazing.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 26, 2006
Carlisle, PA
I believe most on this forum totally understand what you've stated above, just like enjoying washing your car - it's therapy!




GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jun 7, 2007
My ex hated (probably still does too) the GT. Went to a car show locally, and just as she was commenting on how nice many of the people were about the car, this hot babe in her 30s came by and started fawing over the car. The killer was she tried to sit in my lap.... while I was still standing up. Wives don't go for that stuff...


GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
Obviously, she wasn't a "keeper." :frown :lol

My ex hated (probably still does too) the GT. Went to a car show locally, and just as she was commenting on how nice many of the people were about the car, this hot babe in her 30s came by and started fawing over the car. The killer was she tried to sit in my lap.... while I was still standing up. Wives don't go for that stuff...


GT Owner
I walk around with a microfiber and spray I FEEL like I'm not just looking.


GT Owner
May 25, 2013
I hear ya!

Copenhagen GT

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 5, 2008
Copenhagen, Denmark
I walk around with a microfiber and spray I FEEL like I'm not just looking.

:thumbsup:biggrin So right



Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
After working for FordMotor Co. for 35 years, coming home pumped up about new cars or concerned about design issues ...modeling clay packed on the bottom of my shoes or shock oil in my clothes or tough business meetings... Margaret (who worked for Ford Motor Co. for 27 years ) fully understands the ''car/truck blue colored blood that flows'' I guess I am a bit lucky although at times she thinks I am juvenile...

I have used the microfiber and detail spray trick too... it works very well when she comes to the garage and I am spraying one of her cars too..:):)
I think we are all addicted...
andy (ajb)


Mark II Lifetime
Jun 13, 2006
Louisville CO
We are all very sick, but I'm ok with that. I'm a little surprised that there's not a wivesofGTforum forum where they can commiserate about us.


Tungsten GT Owner
Sep 20, 2007
Hattiesburg, MS, USA
After working for FordMotor Co. for 35 years, coming home pumped up about new cars or concerned about design issues ...modeling clay packed on the bottom of my shoes or shock oil in my clothes or tough business meetings... Margaret (who worked for Ford Motor Co. for 27 years ) fully understands the ''car/truck blue colored blood that flows'' I guess I am a bit lucky although at times she thinks I am juvenile...

I have used the microfiber and detail spray trick too... it works very well when she comes to the garage and I am spraying one of her cars too..:):)
I think we are all addicted...
andy (ajb)

Hey Andy!!! Yes I have the same affliction...but my wife thinks its better than a 20 something girlfriend...and I know it's a lot less expensive!

05 Ford GT

GT Owner
Oct 20, 2005
Excelsior Springs Mo.
LOL! I built a 1600' ft garage just for that! I spend time down there just walking around my cars and looking at them. My wife comes down and says "what are you doing, you've been down here for hours." Half the time I don't have a clue what I've been doing but it sure has been fun!



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 29, 2008
Asbury, NJ
Stop looking, leave the drink and DRIVE!

If it works, take the wife. If that's not her bag, as long as you keep the lap girls out of the car, you should be OK.

Use the microfiber and the detailer after you drive, when you actually need it.


GT Owner
Dec 18, 2010
My ex hated (probably still does too) the GT. Went to a car show locally, and just as she was commenting on how nice many of the people were about the car, this hot babe in her 30s came by and started fawing over the car. The killer was she tried to sit in my lap.... while I was still standing up. Wives don't go for that stuff...

I'm going to the wrong car shows…..


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 3, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
I'm going to the wrong car shows…..

Funny, I was just going to say that!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
Your normal she’s weird!


GT Owner
Jan 23, 2014
grosse ile mich
yep me too LOL


Heritage GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Many times when Mrs. Spirit catches me in the garage with the GT, she will just sit down beside me and also stare at it, words are not necessary.
I am a fortunate man.