Looking for Audio Video advice on a new projector

Awsum GT

GT Owner '18
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 17, 2005
Carmel & Cntrl Ca
I'm wondering if any of you are AV experts. I have a room that has a lot of ambient light and a throw of about 24'. Do any of you ha any suggestions on a projector that will work well in these conditions? What is the lowest amount of lumens and contrast ratio I should be looking at. Anything else I need to know?

The room had an older projector that was about 10-15 years old. It was very hard to see unless the room was completely blacked out. The current screen is about 100’ diagonal but we can go more. The room is about 40 by 40 and a ceiling height of about 20’. The screen and projector drop down from soffits automatically with electronic lifts at about 9’ height.

Is 3D worth the money with current technology?


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
A few months ago I got a BenQ W6000. I have a bright room too and 12' screen with the projector about 18' from the screen that is the closest to fill the screen and gives the brightest picture, it could be zoomed and mounted further away. Only bad think about it is no remote focus, have to turn the lens manually. NBD for me since it is mounted where I can reach it. I am impressed with color and resolution out of the box. The reviews state that the auto-iris is noisy and distracting. My projector is almost right above my head and only about 6' away. In this position I can hear it, but am not to bothered by it. YMMV

IMO 3D not here yet, do a search on how many 3D blurays are being sold and don't count the ones using colored glasses.
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Ex GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
3D=laser disk or Sony Beta. I'm going to let it settle down a bit. BTW anyone want to buy some laser disks?


John Weires

GT Owner
Oct 20, 2009
I own an audio video specialty shop and have been in the business for 35 years. Contrast ratio and lumen ratings can not be trusted as the industry standards for how to measure these are usually not followed. Therefore there is wide spread cheating on these specifications. The bottom line is that, as it stands, you have a poor room for front projection and no projector will have a good picture during the day time regardless of it's brightness. Assuming no other room is available for use, the first thing you should investigate is window treatment in the form of blinds or shades, which can also be motorized for convenience. Then you can choose a projector based on it's picture quality rather than solely on whether it is visible during the day time. To use a car analogy, using any projector with out the window treatment would be like buying a Ford GT to drive on a gravel road.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Awsum, you need to PM Specracer in Boston. That's his business and he's a pro. Tell Andy Dr. Frank sent you for the GT discount.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
John hit the nail on the head, above. Brightness of almost any projector, vs a 10+ year old unit, will be MUCH better in your conditions. But it is what it is. One way to look at it, if you drop your screen, with the projector off, this the now this is the "blackest black" you can have. Now any light on top of this will be influenced by this, and the contrast ratio is in the toilet. Ambient light is tough, and has been tried to be overcome, with brightness or screen materials, but can't, making the assumption, you want a good quality image.

As for 3D? Well......., I describe it as a question being answered that no one has asked..... Glasses, and lack of content, are some of the biggest complaints.

Again on the upside, a new unit will be a HUGE improvement over what you have, even in modest price points


GT Owner
Aug 21, 2006
South of Sydney, AUS
Being the home theater nut that I am, I'd be happy to throw my 2c in. I've been using SXRD(same as LCOS) 1080p projectors since the first version came out quite a few years back. I've been upgrading on a yearly basis as the new Sonys in the VPL-WVxx series are launched. Each year there is a significant performance jump. I've seen several very good DLP projectors including Runco's. I'm personally of the view that DLPs still look too 'digital'. This may be fine for general view of HDTV including sports, however I don't like the affect on film based material. To me and others in the same camp, the SXRD and LCOS HD projectors are more film like. Between various brands some favor JVC over Sony, and that really gets down to fine differences between them. I can say if you are willing to spend the money on the current model Sony VPL-VW90, you will not be disappointed, especially with a 100-120" screen( I have a 110" stewart studio tek 130). The addition of 3D is nice bonus. It does though, I've found benefit from the use of non-Sony glasses, and will get even better as the glasses are improved, such as is the case with the upgradeable Xpand X103 glasses. In my main home setup, which is more compromised than my holiday house, I primarily have to do my viewing at night due to ambient light. I don't have a great burning desire to view the projector during the day as I've got other TVs for that. The main improvement I made to my room was ensure the surrounding walls were dark in colour to cut down light reflection. In my case were are only talking about wall screen is on as the room is apart of an upstairs entertainment area, not dedicated solely to HT. I can highly recommend if you want to do some quality research, head on over to the AVSForums, they are place to get schooled up on anything Home Theater related. There are plenty of good people there who are well equipped to assist and generally very helpful and pleasant to converse with.
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