iCondom4 - Free



Get them while they last...


Also if you are hanging on to your iPhone3 - BEWARE - Dropped calls are part of the fix...


ex-GT owner x2
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 16, 2005
You know, I have one of those phones and I love it.

The press coverage on this reminds me of the undeserved bashing Ford got for the problem with the suspension on the early Ford GTs.

Apple has sold 3 million in 3 weeks, and yes, a few people have problems or don't like the phone.


The iPhone 4 has the highest customer satisfaction and lowest return rates of any smartphone ever made.

If anyone wants to see what Jobs really said, the entire event will be posted here:

Or here's a play-by-play from one site who was at the event

Bottom line, the media, including the BBC, doesn't know shit about technology. And they really don't know shit about customer satisfaction either, which is why they are all going out of business, and will soon be waiting tables at a restaurant near you.
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Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
You know, I have one of those phones and I love it.

The press coverage on this reminds me of the undeserved bashing Ford got for the problem with the suspension on the early Ford GTs.

Apple has sold 3 million in 3 weeks, and yes, a few people have problems or don't like the phone.


The iPhone 4 has the highest customer satisfaction and lowest return rates of any smartphone ever made.

If anyone wants to see what Jobs really said, the entire event will be posted here:

Or here's a play-by-play from one site who was at the event

Bottom line, the media, including the BBC, doesn't know shit about technology. And they really don't know shit about customer satisfaction either, which is why they are all going out of business, and will soon be waiting tables at a restaurant near you.

Totally agree. I used 1316 minutes last month - 0 dropped calls, but what do I know, I actually have the phone and love it. Did drop 1 today, but all traffic lights in the area are out and cable and internet service has gone down, so may be related.


Last week I posted a thread with a link to youtube that compared the iPhone4 to its competition. I'm pretty sure the thread was removed as it it did have foul language in it, but it may have been lost as well - who knows!. Nevertheless, I posted it because it reflected my opinion exactly as to why some people buy Apple products. I've been with my lovely wife for 29 years and she owns practically everything Apple makes and we have funny debates around the house and the iPhone4 has been the topic of many discussions after our roundtable meals.

From a military perspective and from a large volume analysis, Apple's sales are not extraordinary. I sit on a DoD panel that evaluates Apple products that may end up in Soldier's hands and frequently they opt against it. They are intrigued by it's following and curious about its HMI - Human Machine Interface -but not impressed at all with its closed system, almost resent it.

Here is a fair shoot out between the two.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULv-0xcciFE&NR=1
BTW, do not own the EVO....

My beef with Apple is its arrogance and if you listen to the youtube video I previously posted, you will understand my position. Having said that, I personally don't care what people buy and I find it funny when people get emotional about brands. I always said, I never understood brand loyalty, but hey that's just me...

With that, here is the link with a warning that it may have offensive language. So if you're offended please don't open it. Moderators, if you feel it is inadequate, please remove it.

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Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Twasn't me that deleted it.

Here's my problem with your opinion: Are you telling me that I'm literally too stupid to assess that there are alternatives on the market and I just have to have an iPhone to impress my friends? It is a massive *gulp* $200 investment after all. Because that's what the video says. Could it not just be that "Hey, that's a cool phone with a killer display that I like and I'm really not that worried that I won't be able to wack off while watching pornotube while sending an email while getting a text while picking a song at the same time on my Incredible?" Of course SOME people buy stuff because their friends have it. We call those people teenage girls, and they are have no bearing on whether or not the phone is legitimately good or not (which it is).

Now here's MY opinion. Tech nerds will NEVER understand why some people just don't care about endless spec discussions and why they do care about intuitive, entertaining user interfaces. It's like a Manatee. This big fat manatee will always look at vegetation and think "Chompin time!" but it will never look at a big ass fish and think "Damn, I'd love to have a filet of that right about now". It's just not in their DNA. In the same way, the tech nerd will never understand that people would rather have slick interfaces and good design at the potential (and arguable) expense of overall utility. It just gets confused at the prospect, short circuits, and then starts hitting "Post New Thread".

Of course, this is to say nothing of the fact that the media is currently into ragging Apple because their number came up on the dartboard this time.

(I'm just giving you hassle because you've been turning this into Anti-Iphone.Com lately) :biggrin


Twasn't me that deleted it.

Here's my problem with your opinion: Are you telling me that I'm literally too stupid to assess that there are alternatives on the market and I just have to have an iPhone to impress my friends? It is a massive *gulp* $200 investment after all. Could it not just be that "Hey, that's a cool phone with a killer display that I like and I'm really not that worried that I won't be able to wack off while watching pornotube while sending an email while getting a text while picking a song at the same time on my Incredible?" Of course SOME people buy stuff because their friends have it. We call those people teenage girls, and they are have no bearing on whether or not the phone is legitimately good or not (which it is).

Now here's MY opinion. Tech nerds will NEVER understand why some people just don't care about endless spec discussions and why they do care about intuitive, entertaining user interfaces. It's like a Manatee. This big fat manatee will always look at vegetation and think "Chompin time!" but it will never look at a big ass fish and think "Damn, I'd love to have a filet of that right about now". It's just not in their DNA. In the same way, the tech nerd will never understand that people would rather have slick interfaces and good design at the potential (and arguable) expense of overall utility. It just gets confused at the prospect, short circuits, and then starts hitting "Post New Thread".

Of course, this is to say nothing of the fact that the media is currently into ragging Apple because their number came up on the dartboard this time.

(I'm just giving you hassle because you've been turning this into Anti-Iphone.Com lately) :biggrin

Truth be told, the Anti-iPhone threads have been mostly directed at a GT owner here (a close friend) on the forum known as RVKING (Jim). My intentions are not directed to insult anyone (slight edit in previous response) with an iPhone, God knows Kendall, Jim and Kingman all give me enough crap about my reasons for not liking the iPhone. Kendall even went out and bought his daughter an M3 just to piss me off.

Your Manatee argument makes sense, but I will not admit it to my wife... BTW, she went and bought the iPad and was showing all its really cool features. I went to the closet and dusted off my 6 year old HP Tablet PC and... well... I slept on the sofa, but that's okay it was like camping.

The whacking off comment was funny... I had tears in my eyes...

Whatever you do Dave, please do not raffle off an iPhone4..


ex-GT owner x2
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 16, 2005
I can't see how anyone could call Apple arrogant if they had ever watched one of Jobs' presentations, instead of just reading about it.

Unlike virtually any large company I have ever seen, the PR guy is also the guy who knows what he's talking about. Is he proud of their products? Yes, he is. Very proud.

But arrogant? I don't think so.

In his presentation today, he gave specific, detailed, numeric facts (including a straightforward admission of a slightly increased call drop rate), that literally no other company in the world would have done. Take 34 minutes and watch it for yourself.

Apple works more on making customers happy than any other computer company. Period, the end. Look at the recent data below.

Their computer market share is not huge (yet), but it keeps going up. Every quarter. Every year. And if you look at their share with college students, it is much bigger. And those students are going to grow up and want Macs. (Note here: I am not a Mac user, I have a PC running XP!)

I would agree that the military is probably not going to use many Apple products. But most of us are not in the military. And most of us just want great products that are easy to use and make us happy.

I assure you, I didn't choose my $300 iPhone instead of a free Verizon phone to impress anyone.

(And I still do not see how you can call Apple a "closed system" when they have hundreds of thousands of applications developed by independent companies!)


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Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
I would never raffle an iPhone 4. I would simply tape any additional iPhone 4s to my other hand, then aim my palm towards anyone I ever wanted to talk to so I could use Face Time all the time.


I can't see how anyone could call Apple arrogant if they had ever watched one of Jobs' presentations, instead of just reading about it.

Unlike virtually any large company I have ever seen, the PR guy is also the guy who knows what he's talking about. Is he proud of their products? Yes, he is. Very proud.

But arrogant? I don't think so.

In his presentation today, he gave specific, detailed, numeric facts (including a straightforward admission of a slightly increased call drop rate), that literally no other company in the world would have done. Take 34 minutes and watch it for yourself.

Apple works more on making customers happy than any other computer company. Period, the end. Look at the recent data below.

Their computer market share is not huge (yet), but it keeps going up. Every quarter. Every year. And if you look at their share with college students, it is much bigger. And those students are going to grow up and want Macs. (Note here: I am not a Mac user, I have a PC running XP!)

I would agree that the military is probably not going to use many Apple products. But most of us are not in the military. And most of us just want great products that are easy to use and make us happy.

I assure you, I didn't choose my $300 iPhone instead of a free Verizon phone to impress anyone.

(And I still do not see how you can call Apple a "closed system" when they have hundreds of thousands of applications developed by independent companies!)

I call them arrogant because I dealt with their engineering staff. Five years ago, I was paid $500,000 to port an application that my company designed, engineered and deployed to every US Naval Carrier in the fleet. It had taken approximately 4 years to design and fine tune a component of the US DoD C4ISR System (Command & Control) that was to be used in critical situations. The Human Machine Interface we developed and designed with the a team of some of the smartest the US DoD had and still has. It cost over $4M to complete when everything was said and done. The port was to take this HMI and re-port it to an Apple platform. We had to pay Apple a fee which we charged back to the government. My engineering staff would send me endless emails about the arrogance of the Apple engineering team and how they knew what we and our customer needed - I guess they must have all been in the service at one point! I personally called in one day to figure out what the engineering angst was all about. The young turd on the other line was insulting and ARROGANT... I asked to speak to his supervisor and he hung up on me. I followed up with a nice letter to the Director of Customer Advocacy and he told me that all application developers had to go through the designed process and there were no exceptions... What a F@#$!!! I then briefed the Commanding Officer about the situation and he understood and told me this was not the first time. He re-obligated the funds to enhance the Windows version. Is it closed - without a shadow of a doubt!

Months later I sat on a panel that analyzed what the next generation of soldiers will be using - Apple came up again. Present company excluded (Don't want to be on Dave's $hit list), a high-ranking DARPA scientist made a statement at the meeting: "Today's generation have a sense of entitlement about it and we should figure out how to address that in the not too distant future". The conclusion was that while Apple is trying to quickly become the computing device of choice, Google will shadow Apple just like Microsoft did, and Apple and Google are not friends.

With respect to the "But most of us are not in the military" comment, many of us enjoy commercial technology because of the huge $ that goes into developing technology. A simple example of this (and there are many) is Google Earth....Its roots can be found in a Spy Satellite technology that used to be called "Keyhole". There is also the Internet..never mind that was invented by some-one else...
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ex-GT owner x2
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 16, 2005
With respect to the "But most of us are not in the military" comment, many of us enjoy commercial technology because of the huge $ that goes into developing technology. A simple example of this (and there are many) is Google Earth....Its roots can be found in a Spy Satellite technology that used to be called "Keyhole". There is also the Internet..never mind that was invented by some-one else...

Ah yes, Mr. Gore, Tennessee's biggest individual energy user AND their biggest hypocrite!

We can't agree on everything, but we CAN agree on that!


Ah yes, Mr. Gore, Tennessee's biggest individual energy user AND their biggest hypocrite!

We can't agree on everything, but we CAN agree on that!


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
Get them while they last...


Also if you are hanging on to your iPhone3 - BEWARE - Dropped calls are part of the fix...

Is that true? I have a 3GS and have upgraded to 4.01. I hope that was a wise thing to do!

In terms of the iPhone generally, the 3GS is my first one (previously had pretty much everything from Blackberry to HTC with every type of Nokia in between). I have to say that the iPhone is immediately, instantly and intuitively better than all of them. It just does everything I need it to and in a very clever and easily read package. I don't need to jail break it, or see how the software works. I just need a stylish looking address book that has all my Yahoo address book contacts, my diary and a few photos. Maybe a some music too. I got a bit lost in London last week - the map function pointed me in the right direction. It works.

My wife has a Samsung - the sync system with that phone does not work, I've spent hours trying to figure it out. Cannot seem to send it a ring tone or sync contacts.

My daughter has/had a Nokia, their 'suite' (or whatever) is hopeless. Very hard to export contacts etc.

By contrast the iPhone is easy.... I have to say that I am very impressed after about a month of owning it. Maybe at the end of the year I'll buy the iPhone 4.


GT Owner's son
May 5, 2009
San Diego
^^^ I agree.

I have a MacBook Pro right now, in addition to my iPhone 3Gs. Everything is seamless. I even know some software bigshots who have converted to Apple.

For example, you just plug the phone in to your computer, everything syncs, and all necessary programs open so you are free to do you work. Everything is click and drag, etc... Why settle for technology that makes it harder to accomplish tasks? Apple has worked very hard to allow for such seamless technology, I think it is very beneficial to enjoy the fruits of their labor. :cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
I was the last convert in the house to the iPhone which I viewed as a cool gizmo the wife and kids raved about - but I am a serious businessman with serious phone needs! I finally tried one for a week and then proceeded to yell at everyone in the house about how they should have told me to switch earlier. Sheesh, those damn stubborn morons I live with, I'm sure glad I'M perfect!

The iphone is a gamechanger as a day to day business tool. I really believe that.

Now, I would also agree with Sam in that Apple is always trying to portray themselves as an open system - and they are FAR from that. Some of this "close-ness", I respect since I think it contributes successfully to maintaining a rigid consistenecy to the norm and expectations of applications. I have TREMENDOUS!!! respect for Jobs, agree that he is engaging and speaks well, but this does nothing to mitigate the fact that they are, in fact, quite the opposite of open. I have some colleagues that are investing a lot in the field of augmented reality (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7jm-AsY0lUvideo here as an example). Unfortunately very tough so far to work with Appple - likely the best positioned platform to exploit this technology, but don't even talk to my buddies about Apple's lack of an open environment. Would I run the company the same way? Well, sure - but I probably wouldn't be smart enough! (Maybe those aforementioned moron kids of mine would stumble on this winning formula :biggrin.)

I guess I'm just a simple guy at the end of the day. Give me a 'bitchen product that makes my day to day life a whole lot easier and I will use the crapola out of it and probably look to the makers for any new crap that they bring to market!


In the end it comes to generating profits and creating value for your share holders - that is the essence of a corporation. Everything else, is an opinion - Including Mine...
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GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
In the end it comes to generating profits and creating value your share holders - that is the essence of a corporation. Everything else, is an opinion - Including Mine...

Unfortunately, many citizens and government officials believe the corporations should be run to benefit of the people, profits to be damned! :ack


Unfortunately, many citizens and government officials believe the corporations should be run to benefit of the people, profits to be damned! :ack

Hey, what took you so long to chime in???


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Unfortunately, many citizens and government officials believe the corporations should be run to benefit of the people, profits to be damned! :ack

last time I counted the letters, PROFIT is not a four letter word.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
Kendall even went out and bought his daughter an M3 just to piss me off.

Wait a minute...I thought for sure that Lauren was going to be a Mustang GT500 Gal...


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
last time I counted the letters, PROFIT is not a four letter word.

But LOST is. Socialist don't spell too well.
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