This product by 3M works great for clear bras:
Use as directed, very simple and easy. Please be gentle, scuffing a clear bra is not hard to do so take your time. It would also be very beneficial to put a quality sealant on your clear bra such as Zaino or Rejex to make cleaning much easier for next time.
One of the best clear coat safe tar removers is made by Gunk and will work great on painted surfaces, including inner wheel barrels. Spray and let soak for a couple of minutes, wipe off, and repeat if necessary. Will not soften or yellow the clear coat like Stoner's Tarminator or Goo-Gone:
Again, putting on a nice sealant afterward will make clean up easier for next time. Both products can be found on (Gunk Tar Remover may have different label) and usually you can find the 3M Plastic Polish at Autozone. :thumbsup