Yes I see what you mean, however there is a Roughe "4" creaping into mine, not sure what that means. My Gt is an 05 Year (July 05) and ends
So the 5Y Makes sence, dont know what the 40 means but at least I know now I'm number 1542 of year 05, or even 1542 of total run.
Its a pitty they did not continue with the number running on in 06, this means 06 owners dont really know what production number they are in the 3500, unless we could find out what the last 05 model number was, then you could add the numbers together.
Not sure if you guys in the USA pay much attention to model numbers but us UK nutters like to know just about everything about our cars, infact some say we know more about our cars that we do our WIVES ?????
Thanks all for your help