GPS/Radio stolen from my truck - Recommended replacement.



We went to a SoCal High School Football game last night. We had to park a distance from the stadium - it was supposed to be a big game. When we returned to the parking lot, we were part of a group of parents that had every GM Truck/SUV with a Navigation device burglarized. All the scumbags took were the Navigation/Radio units and the 3rd seat benches from the SUVs. I have to say they were very neat about how they took the units out and did not cut wires, steal head units or personal info. BTW, I never put private addresses in my GPS.

I was surprised they were able to bypass the factory alarm and get in so easily. My Silverado 2500 started right up and we went home - it turned out I could have the local Sheriff dept do what is called a courtesy police report so we did not have to stay as it was nearly midight. My 12 year old was furious and in the end the biggest lesson was an education for the kids. Ironically, I was not as upset as I thought I would have been. I'll file a claim on Monday.

What would an aftermarket recommendation be to replace the OEM unit. Looking for the following features:

Better Sound
Easy to use GPS without being locked out from address entry while driving
Watch DVDs while driving
Back and optional Front cameras - Front cameras are cool when I off-road.
XM & OnStar support
Bluetooth and enhanced Hands Free Telephone
Theft tracking if available
Android App Interface - No Apple interfaces (start flaming)
Any other suggestions

BTW, the wire harness is intact, they did not cut any of the wires.
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GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
Sam, I recommend you replace the state in which you live. If that is not possible you might look at a Kenwood. I have one in my motor home and it does all that and even has an option to monitor left and right (blind spot) cameras as well when engaging the turn signals.

red gt 1442

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 23, 2005
NY Metro Area
Jeeeezzzzzzzzz and evereone thought Brooklyn was bad.............. Sorry for the bull Sam........when I was younger this was a regular happening in old New York..........Insurance coverage was a necessity.....and a luxury item at the same time...



Defered Ajudication
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 26, 2008
West Texas
Kenwood - according to my son who has more diesel/tune time than most.

Sorry ass thieves.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
Sam, sorry about what happened! The install into your truck is not an easy one... you will need additional modules to enable steering wheel controls and, believe it or not, a device to give you turn signal blinker noise which, OEM, comes from your OEM head unit. Take a glance through Crutchfield to read up on the latest available. I recommend to buy through Sonic in Valencia - maybe the install there too.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Sam, I recommend you replace the state in which you live.

That would mean replacing his 'hotel'. 'Not likely! :biggrin

All things considered, Sam, you were lucky. As you implied, most times the damage thieves do in the process of stealing whatever costs more to fix than replacing what they stole. :mad
