Gas Mileage? from home to rally and back


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 5, 2009
Southern California
The BOSS Mustang is an awesome machine!! All that performance and still got 26 miles per gallon cruising back to LA.

For those of you that drove your GT or BOSS to and from the Rally, what was your gas mileage like? I have never driven my GT's farther than
30 to 40 miles at a time (this will be changed:biggrin) so I am curious what mileage one can expect on a long haul such as rally.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Drove the Boss home, 2300 miles ... SLC to Saratoga Springs NY.. had to deal with I-90 being closed in the Mohawk and Hudson river valleys due to flooding, so a nice 2 lane drive around one of the larger lakes , up over the mountain, and back south . Only had to drive over a few power lines acrossing the road:biggrin
Gas mileage was 22.8. had 3 climbs to 8-9k feet crossing the divide, plus was doing 75-85 mph....Utah and Wyoming had some incredible views and boy is there a lot of corn in Iowa..


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 19, 2008
Glendale, Arizona
I averaged 20.6 mpg in my GT from Phoenix to Salt Lake City via Las Vegas. The best was 23.0 while I was following JBG who was towing a trailer, and the worst was 17.0 on the first leg while I was making up the head start he had.

The trip home averaged 20.9 mpg. The final leg from Page to Phoenix was 264.0 miles in exactly 3:18, with 21.2 mpg at an average speed of 80 mph and a quarter-tank remaining when I got home. Phoenix is 3,000 ft lower than Page, but it's a climb into Flagstaff, and a serious descent and then a steep climb out of the Verde Valley on I17 south of Flagstaff.

Last year on a trip to Pebble Beach I got just over 24 mpg on a couple of legs, but only when I strictly adhered to the speed limit. As I recall, my average speed on those 24+ mpg legs was about 54 mph. I plan fuel stops for 250-300 miles in the GT, but stops are often dictated by my bladder rather than the car's range.

Jeff Larson reports even higher mileage than 24 mpg. At 87K miles he should have really good data.


Keep Smiling - GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 14, 2005
Going west with moutain ranges and wide open non stop....we averaged 24 miles per gallon in 6th gear,over the limit mph,2,450 rpm, through the desert and over the mountains....
After a couple of Police contributions, we then averaged 80 miles per hour in 6th,1,800 rpm and almost pushed 29 miles per gallon......
Remarkable car........
Remember we had stock pulley and tune and factory muffler....just the bridgestones....


2005 white/blue stripe
Jun 18, 2010
Rye Brook, New York
On my first trip in the car to Pa. last July, at 75mph, I averaged 23.3 MPG, with a pulley, tune and Ford Racing exhaust. That's pretty damn impressive in my book!!!


New member
Aug 9, 2010
Gas miles

the boss mustang is an awesome machine!! All that performance and still got 26 miles per gallon cruising back to la.

For those of you that drove your gt or boss to and from the rally, what was your gas mileage like? I have never driven my gt's farther than
30 to 40 miles at a time (this will be changed:biggrin) so i am curious what mileage one can expect on a long haul such as rally.


2008 shelby cobra 5.4
rialto to laughlin.. Tail wind there 22 mpg
back home was 20 mpg hp. 571 rwhp love it
160 mph at 4250 rpm.. Dont tell anyone
phone if needed 909-421-0691 ttfn


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jun 7, 2007
29 mpg in a GT? Joey, that's incredible! I couldn't average 29 mpg driving a Prius!

Not 4N

Tungsten GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
Calgary AB
I got about 7mpg averaging 70mph. Then again I was in something a little bigger. :biggrin
Since it had 3 GTs inside plus the rig itself - would that be 28mpg? :lol



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California
I recall driving to Utah with the Nor Cal group and Team Jeff that each time we stopped to top off for gas I seemed to be using a gallon more than everyone else. I always tended to drive in 4th. I was shocked how much better milage I got when I shifted into 6th. On the way back through Nevada my GT got way better milage and ran just around 185. I cannot believe it took me so long to figure this out, although the longest drives I have taken were to Rally III and Rally VI.


Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 21, 2008
Houston Texas
I get 1 Mile run and return to my pits per gallon. :)


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
The Boss on-board computer is trying to be helpful. Thursday evening before the scenic drive on Friday, Mrs. AlohaGT told Kelvin that the low fuel light was on and an indicated remaining fuel range of 30 something miles. Kelvin was perplexed. The next morning, Kelvin confirmed it.... but noticed that the fuel gauge was just a hair less than half a tank. Damn computer was still figuring track rate consumption!! Too funny!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 25, 2006
2011 F250, fully loaded trailer with 4 sets of wheels averaged 12.1 round trip from PHX to SLC. BTW the back roads are the way to go if your heading South or West :thumbsup


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
"Jeff Larson reports even higher mileage than 24 mpg. At 87K miles he should have really good data."

Sooo many miles ago I kept track of such things.

Did 200 miles in two hours 5 minutes and fuel burn was 27.2 mpg.

Around town varies between 17 to 20.

At the track it's much closer to <3.5.


btw Terri and I got home last nite from Rally 6.

2,570.8, for Road Trip 16. Or is it 17? Or 18?

Including 210+ miles Terri did at Miller.

And a grand total of 88,153.4. Getting closer to the 100k mark.

And best of all I still have that GT Perm-A-Grin every time I get in and go for a drive.

And my GT has been in a trailer one time, when delivered by Reliable to Washington State and on a flatbed tow when the axle bolts broke.

Life is Good. And the GT makes it better!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jun 24, 2006
Metro Detroit
And a grand total of 88,153.4. Getting closer to the 100k mark.

Approx. 12K more miles to the mandated Ford 'turn-in' at 100K. What color you gonna' get?? :biggrin


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
wow - you guys with the F-250 do much better, My F-150 with max trailer tow package, 22 ft trailer loaded with the Ford GT took 424.135 gallons for the 3255 mile round trip from Detroit to Salt lake city... this is 7.67 miles per gallon.
Does anyone else tow with an F-150? is this reasonable? I tried to keep it at 65-75 mph
Tony and John with the F-250's do much better/
any comments?
ajb (andy)