Fuel Filler Fix - solution found and engineered

eric dauber

GT Owner
Oct 30, 2014
How do you get the plastic cartridge which houses the flapper mechanism out of the metal tube? I realize there are the tabs but it seems like there is something else holding it in. Can you push the tabs in far enough without breaking them?


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 14, 2019
Look in the pics I posted. You'll have to squeeze the metal to make it oblong at the lock tabs(purple) and/or compress the metal at the tabs(purple) to push the plastic out of step.
The O ring around the outside of the plastic is DRY and STUCK. Get a WD40/ATF mix on both sides of the O ring and wiggle to get the o ring broken free.

ViVa gt

GT Owner
Sep 15, 2010
toronto canada
Eric u have a pm

eric dauber

GT Owner
Oct 30, 2014
After a lot of prying (with fingers crossed) I was able to get the flapper/cartridge out and all of the pieces were still there, even the pin. I filed a lip on the tab and receiver hole as GT@50 recommended. It's back together and ready to go back in the car. Thanks to GT@50 and ViVa gt for your help.