Facebook Parenting for the troubled Teen



Best part comes at 7:00


No Facebook allowed at my home and I can barely tolerate Txt'ng.

Here are my views: You want a social network, try the human face-to-face kind. If you have to rely on virtual people to become your friends, you have major psychological bills coming your way. When kids become "Adults", then they can make their own choices. BTW, my definition of an Adult is when a person (regardless of age) can completely rely on themselves and provide for anyone they decide to bring into their lives or decide to pro-create. In my book, 18 makes you an Adult does not mean shit.
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Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Yeah! 'Just viewed this about 2 hours ago!

'FIRST THOUGHT THAT POPPED INTO MY HEAD - "Well, how long will it be before the 'child protection' people haul his butt off to the pokey?"!

(He shudda used a shotgun IMO.)


GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
No Facebook allowed at my home and I can barely tolerate Txt'ng.

Hear, hear... :thumbsup

Here are my views: You want a social network, try the human face-to-face kind. If you have to rely on virtual people to become your friends, you have major psychological bills coming your way. When kids become "Adults", then they can make their own choices. BTW, my definition of an Adult is when a person (regardless of age) can completely rely on themselves and provide for anyone they decide to bring into their lives or decide to pro-create. In my book, 18 makes you an Adult does not mean shit.

18 allows you to vote, and die for your country - and to release your parents from legal responsibility. That's about it. Makes you capable of signing yourself into debt for life.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 4, 2011
Houston, TX
I agree that a high impact response was needed but that was a waste of a good laptop and a few rounds of ammo. Wipe it and donate it to someone less fortunate that could use it to improve their life through study or work. The lesson that will sink into the mind of the teenager is to take something away, destroy it, and post to YouTube. I hope they don't have a pet that she loves the next time she messes up!
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Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
I agree that a high impact response was needed but that was a waste of a good laptop and a few rounds of ammo. Wipe it and donate it to someone less fortunate that could use it to improve their life through study or work. The lesson that will sink into the mind of the teenager is to take something away, destroy it, and post to YouTube. I hope they don't have a pet that she loves the next time she messes up!

Posting the vid could prove to be his dumbest move. Like I said, I can see 'the powers that be' raising an eyebrow (or two) over the whole episode. These days one just never knows. (I'm somewhat surprised nothing's come of it as yet...at least, nothing we've heard about anyway. I'd wager he'd at least be 'paid a visit' if he lived in certain places I could name.)


I'd rather see Dad's like him instead of those that use procreation as a sport leaving dependents behind that my tax dollars support. Having said that, bad kids are the result of bad parenting.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
No Facebook allowed at my home and I can barely tolerate Txt'ng.

Here are my views: You want a social network, try the human face-to-face kind. If you have to rely on virtual people to become your friends, you have major psychological bills coming your way.

You do realize that behind EP you have the highest post count among active members? Irony :lol


You do realize that behind EP you have the highest post count among active members? Irony :lol

Are you insinuating that Pockets and I are woven from the same cloth :mad:box::screwy: You have to understand Dave, coming here to the Forum is therapy for me and for that I am very thankful :biggrin. Its far cheaper than seeing a shrink for my inexplicable disdain for Apple & BMWs. :eek

BTW Dave, will you be my "FRIEND"!:willy:willy:willy
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