Dummy lights on??

Kiteboarder Ken

GT Owner
Jun 25, 2020
Tampa Florida
I was walking by the '05 and noticed that all the dummy lights on the bottom row were illuminated. I hadn't started in 2 weeks and have no idea how long they had been on. No key nearby. I have it on a maintenance charger (same one for a few years now). I started her up with no problem, all lights went off but the engine light stayed on. Battery is getting close to 4 years old. I did a search but only found one post from back in 2006 that touched on lights and a weak battery. Not sure how or why the lights would be on if the key wasn't even near the car?? Thank you in advance for any advice.


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
You should invest in a code reader and get what it is complaining about. You can get a bluetooth reader and smartphone app for about $20.

But battery is a good place to start when lights and gauges start misbehaving.