Cruise to Starved Rock Ottawa IL 11/10/07


GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
If anyone is interested from the Chicago region, 5 Gt's from central IL. and 6-9 Vipers will be cruising to Starved Rock in Ottawa, IL. leaving from Peoria Il. around 9:30-10am on Sat. 11/10/07 If any one wants to go or even meet up with us at Starved rock for lunch, that would be great! Weather says it should be high 50's with no rain. Hopefully it stays that way. Hope we see more of ya there. We can't let just the Socal guys have all the fun. This will probably be it for the year because it is getting cold so come out, stretch your legs, and meet new people.


Jason's Auto Spa

Well-known member
May 22, 2007
If anyone is running through Northern, IL on the way to Ottawa I'd love to tag along. It would be nice to get the Marauder out and stretch it's legs, as long as it is welcome.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 17, 2006
Las Vegas
Sounds cool - where are we eating at?


GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
We'll be eating at the lodge at Starved Rock. The more the merrier!:thumbsup


GT Owner
Jul 30, 2007
Chicago Burbs
Sounds like fun, you should still have some good fall colors. Sorry I can't make it, taking the family to the Notre Dame game. They still have a shot a bowl,...............the toilet bowl.


GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
Sounds like fun, you should still have some good fall colors. Sorry I can't make it, taking the family to the Notre Dame game. They still have a shot a bowl,...............the toilet bowl.

My wife will be watching that game....without me!:biggrin Catch you next time!:thumbsup Anyone else? It's gonna be 59' and sunny, may be the last nice weekend of the year! Jason, you are more than welcome to meet us at Starved Rock! We are leaving Peoria at 9:30 sharp and should be at Starved Rock by 11:30 taking our time to enjoy the scenery.


GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
Sorry we had to change the day Dr. Frank (fjpikul). Hope you can still make it even if you don't have the GT.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
I'm planning on meeting you guys there. I'll drive direct from Sterling in my F150.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
What date and time would I have to leave Santa Monica, California to make this venue??? :biggrin (assuming I would need one night's sleep?)


GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
What date and time would I have to leave Santa Monica, California to make this venue??? :biggrin (assuming I would need one night's sleep?)



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
If you do a search for Starved Rock State Park, you can get all the info you need on directions and the lodge. Frank


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
If anyone is running through Northern, IL on the way to Ottawa I'd love to tag along. It would be nice to get the Marauder out and stretch it's legs, as long as it is welcome.

Jason I think your Marauder would amaze most of the GT guys....Class style and out runs 99% of anything on the room for a entire foursome and thier clubs.


Jason's Auto Spa

Well-known member
May 22, 2007
Jason I think your Marauder would amaze most of the GT guys....Class style and out runs 99% of anything on the room for a entire foursome and thier clubs.

She won't out run 99% of the cars on the road THAT day :rofl

I'm still undecided at the moment, it's a two hour drive to make it to the end of the line for lunch. It would be almost a four hour drive if I wanted to start at the cruise with everyone, plus another four hours to cruise and get back home :ack AND she drinks gas as fast as bony drinks Makers Mark Manhattans :eek


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
She won't out run 99% of the cars on the road THAT day :rofl

I'm still undecided at the moment, it's a two hour drive to make it to the end of the line for lunch.

Starve Rock is a great park! Been there many time! Should be a good weekend and with the price of gas going up due to the devaluation of the dollar... better go this weekend as when gas hits $5 a gallon, you will be squeaking like a raped mouse Jason......


GT Owner
Aug 18, 2005
Lake Zurich, IL
Bummer, this morning I thought I might be able to join you at starved rock. I thought I would contact Jason and caravan the GT and Maurader together. But now it looks like a no go. I'm selling a snowmobile trailer and expect some people to look at it this weekend.

So instead of riding in the GT this weekend, I'll be at home installing my transaxle cooler. and probably doing an oil change. Not many good weekends left here in IL.

Have Fun guys!


GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
Bummer, this morning I thought I might be able to join you at starved rock. I thought I would contact Jason and caravan the GT and Maurader together. But now it looks like a no go. I'm selling a snowmobile trailer and expect some people to look at it this weekend.

So instead of riding in the GT this weekend, I'll be at home installing my transaxle cooler. and probably doing an oil change. Not many good weekends left here in IL.

Have Fun guys!


Sorry to miss you this week but thanks for posting here. This will at least give me an idea of some more GT owners that would be interested in local events like this. My goal for next season is to get more of us together.:thumbsup


GT Owner
Aug 18, 2005
Lake Zurich, IL
I didn't think about it until now, but when we race (my wife and I both run a formula continetal in scca) I'll put a note on here. Maybe someone needs an excuse to come out and watch an scca road race?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
May 13, 2007
London/ Peoria Illinois
If anyone is interested from the Chicago region, 5 Gt's from central IL. and 6-9 Vipers will be cruising to Starved Rock in Ottawa, IL. leaving from Peoria Il. around 9:30-10am on Sat. 11/10/07 If any one wants to go or even meet up with us at Starved rock for lunch, that would be great! Weather says it should be high 50's with no rain. Hopefully it stays that way. Hope we see more of ya there. We can't let just the Socal guys have all the fun. This will probably be it for the year because it is getting cold so come out, stretch your legs, and meet new people.


Great run to was perfect!!!! Thanks Jeff for sorting the run out..great to see everyone...!!


New member
Nov 11, 2007
had a BLAST , thanks for putting all this together jeff !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish I could afford one of the "nicer" toys ....