I have not been out to C&C in a while. Anyone up to it? Breakfast after?
Don? Randy? Chris? Herb? Pete? Jim? Jeff? George? Bruce?
Don? Randy? Chris? Herb? Pete? Jim? Jeff? George? Bruce?
I have not been out to C&C in a while. Anyone up to it? Breakfast after?
Don? Randy? Chris? Herb? Pete? Jim? Jeff? George? Bruce?
Man we are all so darn busy! We all need to remember that our cars and related friends should take top priority. I miss all you guys and going to C&C. I have a new additon to the family....I just got back my black 750 plus, plus HP (really 805 HP) Super Snake:biggrin So, I would like to bring her next. I heard rummor that they are starting to restrict the types of cars. Is that true?
So guys, let's start to show up to C&C more often and hang out!!!!! Oh, by the way, I'll be at my home on Maui till April.....Sorry :wink