Benefit for Stacie


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 21, 2006
Foxfield, Colorado
I'm Bill's sister - Red GT on your forum.
As most of you know, I have a daughter-in-law who is dying of ALS.
There was a benefit in Iowa, where they live, and one in Houston, where I live.
You all were kind enough to respond to this need.
I had an offer of a ride in a GT in Iowa which was auctioned at the first event.
That is all we had asked for - you went so far beyond that request!
We had an offer for a trip and ride in Newport Beach, which was changed to a cash donation per the donor's wonderful request.
Then we had an offer for a ride in Hawaii - can't get cooler than that!
Several of you donated cash for the plane fare and I was able to donate another week at a timeshare. That made for the best auction item ever!

I wanted to let all of you know that we were able to raise enough money through those two benefits to pay for the addition to Stacie's home. Now the little ones spend lots of time in the living area off the bedroom. The bedroom and bathroom are handicapped so she can use those as her illness progresses. She no longer has to struggle to climb the stairs.

This has made their lives so much easier, and she has had all this to look forward to and enjoy while she still can. Plus removing the burden and worry over the finances makes all of their lives easier.

I am providing a service to come in and clean, do laundry, etc so she can make it through the day without more stress than she already has. Later she will need constant care, but she can still get around right now.

You have brightened her life with your kindness. She can't believe that perfect strangers have cared about her and her family. It means everything to her and to my son.

Another donor has offered to put up a website so people can keep track of Stacie and her family. The site is if you want to check it out. She hasn't had time to put up a lot of pictures, but she will.

Again, God bless all of you!!! Judy Hopkins