Hard to believe it's been 4 years, but not a day has gone by that I don't think about it. It's futile to even attempt to describe what the day means to me as an American.
Last year I went to NYC and stayed at the Millenium Hilton on a small pilgrammage to see the emptiness of what was once so full. I'd prefer that they rebuild the towers exactly, but just filling the grounds with life and economy and energy and all the things that make this country what it is are what's really important. Here are some pictures I took from high above the grounds. The real size of the pictures are about 3000 x 2000 so the detail and scale of the area is stunning...
Last year I went to NYC and stayed at the Millenium Hilton on a small pilgrammage to see the emptiness of what was once so full. I'd prefer that they rebuild the towers exactly, but just filling the grounds with life and economy and energy and all the things that make this country what it is are what's really important. Here are some pictures I took from high above the grounds. The real size of the pictures are about 3000 x 2000 so the detail and scale of the area is stunning...