Translation provided by silentm @
here we go
actually what they're talking about isn't that interesting. just a lot of blabla that doesn't translate well into english because the humor gets lost
like when Sabine tests the clutch of the Viper she asks "Darf ich mal reintreten?" ("can i kick it?" yeah the translation doesn't really carry the humor) funniest moment in the whole clip actually *duh*
some facts:
Ford GT is tuned by Geiger in Munich supercharged (they actually complemented the interior "you don't find the typical american plastic stuff but actually a superb quality interior with a great finish)
Viper is supercharged too and has a lot of additional small mods like better brakes, exhaust system a special clutch ect
the drag race is 0-250 kph both cars have no TC
2nd run was in 3rd gear from 40-160 kph, the viper wins due to the higher displacement and the higher revs.
then they did the "elch-test" the GT was 10 kph faster and more stable than the viper. this is due to the different weight distribution and balance of both cars.
the race pretty much speaks for itself, even though i think it was staged a bit. i think Sabine is a much better driver than that. in the corners the GT is king but then on the straights the viper easily catches up.