Search results

  1. Simon

    Show Me Your Speedhut Replacement

    I have Ed Sims' bezel but in brushed finish.
  2. Simon

    New member

    Welcome! Enjoy the search.
  3. Simon

    Mustang GTD shows up at South OC Cars and Coffee in San Clemente, CA

    Could you please post shots of the rear? Thanks
  4. Simon

    Ford GT MkIV on track at Ford GT Rally XIV

    I have my helmet and hans ready! What an amazing experience.
  5. Simon

    The New Mustang GTD

    I used Kevin K with Pat Milliken for the NFGT delivery dealer. Excellent experience.
  6. Simon

    Creaking noise when going over bumps

    AJB is 2019 had similar issues...
  7. Simon

    Schnell Fest HPDE event at COTA and Porsche Race– November 22, 23, 24.

    Unfortunately it has been cancelled.....if you haven't been to Eagles Canyon Raceway north of Dallas you should check it out.It is a very technical track that is well maintained with great onsite facilities. I will be there when Chin hosts there in Nov 9-10. I will likely be at COTA with Edge...
  8. Simon

    Ford GT Rally XIV - Who's in?

    Looks like my plus one will be there. Working on deets..
  9. Simon

    Header options

    M2K does exceptional custom work and has alot GT experience
  10. Simon

    The Bronco Thread

    Just got one for the youngest(surprise today) and one for the oldest.
  11. Simon

    I AM IN!!!

    q4 of 2024?
  12. Simon

    Schnell Fest HPDE event at COTA and Porsche Race– November 22, 23, 24.

    This event has been cancelled. @ByeEnzo I'll at Eagles Canyon Nov 9-10 with Chin Motorsports? " Dear Schnell Fest HPDE drivers: For reasons beyond our control the November 22-24 Schnell Fest HPDE at COTA has been cancelled. Please stay tuned for upcoming 2025 Schnell Fest dates at COTA...
  13. Simon

    Ford GT Rally XIV - Who's in?

  14. Simon

    I AM IN!!!

    We are too! TY Thank you FORD and everyone. See you all at the Rally.
  15. Simon

    11 weeks away

    +1.Looking forward to it!
  16. Simon

    Ford GT-esque Vehicles recommendation

    I have a 991.2 GT2RS. It is amazing on track and off....but it doesn't have the universal appeal of a FGT and it's not a cruiser like the FGT. If anyone wants a ride I'll be at COTA in late Sept and Nov🤟
  17. Simon

    WTB 05/06 Heffner exhaust

    I have had the accufab and now the GTGUY xpipe wont be able to tell the difference.