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  1. J

    Best Ford Dealer for 05 06 Parts

    That sounds good, but how do I open the door with no power?
  2. J

    Opening door on 2006 Ford GT with no battery

    How do I open the door on a 2006 Ford GT with no power? I took out the battery to replace it and the latch to open the front hood/compartment is not working.
  3. J

    Battery removal

    I need help opening the front storage compartment (front hood) on my 2006 Ford GT. I closed it after taking out dead battery to replace it. The side latch is not working. It won’t open the front hood. Any ideas on how to open it?
  4. J

    Best Ford Dealer for 05 06 Parts

    I need help opening the front storage compartment on my 2006 Ford GT. I closed it after taking out the battery to replace it and know the latch on the side is not working.