Search results

  1. MK2_GT

    The Greatest "SONIC BLUE " story ever told!!

    Good score man, congratulations!
  2. MK2_GT

    Brand New GT500 Anyone

    man I wonder is this is going to affect this year's model GT500
  3. MK2_GT

    Zero to top speed in 1 mile

    My old Tungsten did 201!!! yey!!! GO JKR!!!!
  4. MK2_GT

    Where to put Golf Clubs in a GT?

    awesome, very nice.
  5. MK2_GT

    2010 gt500 is badass!!!

    I'm definitely getting one. I was thinking of getting a KR but have opted to wait for a 2010 GT500 instead. I am leaning towards the dark blue and white stripe coupe.
  6. MK2_GT

    2010 Gt500 Kr?

    Thanks DBK, does that mean no more will be built? and if others are going to be built will there be new options?
  7. MK2_GT

    2010 Gt500 Kr?

    I know sales have slowed down (what sales haven't?) but are they planning a 2010 model KR? any info appreciated as I have to make a decision in the next few weeks.
  8. MK2_GT

    The 2012 Pelosi GTxi SS/RT Sport Edition

    That was freaking hilarious. LOL!
  9. MK2_GT

    Harry Baz--GTX Wheels

    Ok I found their address (and maybe more importantly a different phone number) . I needed it to wire them the here you go: Advanced Products Technologies 1442 E Arror Hwy J Irwindale, CA 91706 626-303-2225 Contact: Harry The bank they use in case it helps . Bank of the...
  10. MK2_GT

    GTX-1 Storable roof for sale.

    This is the only one I could find (I did not take these pics). Please note this is not the final product as it does not have the CF scoops installed yet in this pic. Here is one with the CF scoops...enjoy
  11. MK2_GT

    Harry Baz--GTX Wheels

    I had a bumpy transaction with them . I did end up getting what I paid for but they treated me rudely the entire time. If they treated other customers the way I was treated on the phone after paying them I would not be surprised they folded up the tent. Sorry to hear you had problems and I...
  12. MK2_GT

    2010 gt500 is badass!!!

    I just made some calls, I am getting one (the dark blue white stripped one) based on this post alone. Thanks for the info!
  13. MK2_GT

    2010 gt500 is badass!!!

    /fainted :huge:
  14. MK2_GT

    2010 gt500 is badass!!!

    Oh my lord...when will this be available?
  15. MK2_GT

    $50B Ponzi - Who says crime doesn't pay!?

    Donald Trump was on Neil Cavuto today (Foxnews) and he told the story that he personally knows of one family (net worth 30-40 million) that put everything they had with Madoff...even to the point of mortgaging their properties, taking money out and placing it in there as well. They went from...
  16. MK2_GT

    GTX-1 Storable roof for sale.

    stevo, actually I decided to keep it.
  17. MK2_GT

    Ford GT factory battery tender

    I use Deltran batter tender with cigarette lighter adpater. I need to see the green light / red light to get the warm fuzzy feeling. However I needed to place this charger where it belongs in my garage before someone plugs it in somewhere else and blows something up.
  18. MK2_GT

    Someone is desperate

    The "rice" comment was waaaaaay over the top.....yikes.
  19. MK2_GT

    Ford GT factory battery tender

    Thnaks, you guys are the best.