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  1. jbyrnes

    Just doing my part to reduce rotational mass...

    Well then I think I know where this is headed...
  2. jbyrnes

    Original Bullit Mustang

    So according to today's news Steve McQueen's Bullitt Mustang from the movie has been found in original condition in Mexico and is on it's way to a new owner in the US for a full restoration. IMO this car perfectly fits the profile for a car that shouldn't be restored, unless they imply to return...
  3. jbyrnes

    A Special Machine

    Eventually it would be great to see pictures of the front and rear suspension exposed with the wheels off. And looking forward to someday seeing a "NGT Tech" tab below the "05-06 Ford GT Tech" one.
  4. jbyrnes

    GT Competition Series

    Solves the no-AC problem, if only there was room to stow the cooler:
  5. jbyrnes

    2017 Owners Manual

    I think the fuse panel may have a misprint too (fuse 13). Seems appropriate though.
  6. jbyrnes

    2017 Owners Manual

    So apparently there's a spare tire?? Where's it stowed?
  7. jbyrnes

    Ford no sell agreement

    "Some things are worth more than money. Experiences are priceless. :thumbsup" Absolutely Steve, but when it comes time for the kids to experience the cars at their prom someday just remember I'll be happy to help out and hide them over here. :biggrin
  8. jbyrnes

    new personal plate

  9. jbyrnes

    Order options help needed

    That's true when considering accelerating and decelerating, and cornering to a lesser extent, but the bigger factor is in helping reduce unsprung weight to enable the tires to more quickly react to bumps so that the load is as consistent as possible between the tire and the road. A lighter...
  10. jbyrnes

    Road and Track Explains Suspension of NGT

    I suppose the suspension has hard limits that'd prevent the chassis from bottoming when in race mode, well before the 2.75 clearance, but when race mode is used on the street that skid plate material might save an insurance claim (if it's stuck to the chassis and not an aero part).
  11. jbyrnes

    Road and Track Explains Suspension of NGT

    Maybe something's already in place, but it sounds like those F1 style chassis bump blocks could be a good idea when hitting those swales in the track.
  12. jbyrnes

    A few facts from Las Vegas

    Very cool. Anxiously awaiting more details!
  13. jbyrnes

    Welcome Guide Arrvied

    I think there'd be a chance of having some negotiating power to get a discount below MSRP, given the advertising exposure of the car if you work the deal to leave on the dealer license plate frame and that adhesive dealer badge they'll stick on the rear facia. Can't hurt to ask.
  14. jbyrnes

    What's so hard about driving a Ford GT (rant)

    I'm guessing the NVH / noise guys won over the team / track guys. This is a Grand Touring car first, track car second after all. I've got the short throw in our 05' and the factory shift in our 06', and was noticing how much noise and vibration gets put through the short shift that is virtually...
  15. jbyrnes

    Who's going to SEMA

    I'm planning on it this year too. Looks like Ford will have their inside booth in the usual place plus their outside booth by the monorail for giving drifting rides in the 17GT (well we can hope). I expect there'll be a 17GT but haven't heard.
  16. jbyrnes

    2 Raw Carbon FGT testing in Colorado

    So makes me wonder who and how the colors on the mules are decided (like any color can make that form stealthy), and where will these two cars be 5 years from now.
  17. jbyrnes

    Does anyone have a clue what criteria was used to choose GT applicants ?

    Wow Christain, that's an impressive Ford resume, makes me look like a Ford fan wannabe. You're one of about a half dozen I've seen posts from here that 1)totally confuses me as to what the selection criteria was, and 2) makes me realize that I've got a very little chance of getting an...
  18. jbyrnes

    Does anyone have a clue what criteria was used to choose GT applicants ?

    I think we can draw some conclusions from the posts here over the recent weeks that ford product loyalty wasn’t weighted as high as we were hoping, certainly not at the top of the list. And that makes sense when you consider the corporate strategy for wanting to maximize its visibility to the...
  19. jbyrnes

    Happy Birthday FENZO !!

    Congrads Steve on another year older! Hope to run into you Sat. morning.
  20. jbyrnes

    Ford GT Info

    There was talk months ago about problems with the car meeting the NHTSA side impact requirements. If true, adding 50-100 lb. of structure could be possible. I'm going to guess 3085 lb wet, no options except CF wheels (the lightest possible config.).