Search results

  1. SSRob

    New owner from Texas

    Welcome! Nice stable!
  2. SSRob

    Looking for great vacation spot in US

    I'm in for that...only about 3 1/2 hours from here. Well, maybe 2 hours in the GT.
  3. SSRob


    Not really in the town I live in but Tulsa is getting worse and worse. It seems at least 4-5 days out of the week there is a shooting or stabbing...usually robbery/home invasion type stuff. Here lately we have a group following people home and robbing them in the driveway. Carrying my gun has...
  4. SSRob


    In the winter months I carry a 4" Kimber .45 with JHP. Summertime I usually have my Ruger LCP .380 with JHP in my pocket. Window smash in the middle of the night, pistol grip Mossberg 500 with a Surefire light, 4 00 buck rounds followed by 3 slugs. Also part of my night time intruder...
  5. SSRob

    A big thanks and a shoutout to a great asset to our community!!

    Personally if I'm defending myself against an armed attacker, their survival is the last thing I care about. Stopping an attack may just mean killing your attacker. Not something I'm walking around waiting to do by the way, but I will if need be.
  6. SSRob

    Vegas Cooking/Dining Event - Ladies Option - Non-Car Event

    I believe my wife mailed hers on Thursday.
  7. SSRob

    A big thanks and a shoutout to a great asset to our community!!

    The latest impressive self defense ammo is the R.I.P. from G2Research. Hard to find right now but check it out. Thanks for the tip on the 10mm. I'm ordering that metric socket set to keep behind the seat.
  8. SSRob

    TimePieces Thread

    It is the Devon Tread 2 which is smaller than the 1. I'd still love a Tread 1 Steampunk but Jesus, they're $25,000.00.
  9. SSRob

    TimePieces Thread

    Not one to post pics of my stuff much but I was very happy to acquire this in Las Vegas last week at Tourneau. They had just received it the day before and literally 2 minutes after I decided to purchase it, a couple came in wanting to look at it. Sorry peoplez, you can not haz...all mine!
  10. SSRob

    Vegas Cooking/Dining Event - Ladies Option - Non-Car Event

    My wife, Michelle, is in...
  11. SSRob

    Ford GT Hot Buttons Accessory - Aluminum Seat Inserts - In Stock!

    If you don't have these in your car, you need them!!!
  12. SSRob

    FS: Ford Racing cat delete pipes (PN#: MK-5230-GTX)

    I bought these before I purchased my rear exit header system. Never installed. Paid $999. Removes your cats and has bungs for O2 sensors. Does not appear to include any gaskets or hardware other than the pipes themselves. $900 plus UPS shipping costs. PM me if interested. I can ship...
  13. SSRob


    Now I know exactly how to stand out at Rally 9.
  14. SSRob

    Heritage Ford GT and huge collection for sale

    Awesome awesome car! I must ask, where did you find those seat covers? My wifes bedazzled ass Miss Me jeans are beginning to become an issue.
  15. SSRob

    Rebuilt Title Heritage

    I'm just West of the Tulsa area. The guy had a pretty nice inventory of cars...must not have panned out for him.
  16. SSRob

    Rebuilt Title Heritage

    There is a dealer down in Texas that has this car listed on their website.
  17. SSRob

    Rebuilt Title Heritage

    Sapulpa is just right up the road from me. Glad to see another FGT owner in the Oklahoma area. Mustang is around OKC, isn't it? Sorry for post hijack.