Search results

  1. OzGT

    Rearview camera + nav

    I can't see the pic for some reason, but if it's like the ones my buddy sells, they look a bit too big and intrusive for the GT interior IMHO. EDIT: yeah I can see it now, didn't know it was Youtube vid, I have to bypass some filtering to view in the office. Definitely same size as the ones my...
  2. OzGT

    Battery Recommendation

    I agree with Shadowman. I've been using Optimas for years now, both yellow standard and Red deep cycle versions. Having had 2 cars both with them in the last several years that both have had long time periods of standing either from lack of use or way too much workshop time, I can attest to how...
  3. OzGT

    Ford GT Utility Tray

    I ended coming up with an off the shelf solution, a bit smaller but will do the trick for my iphone. Together with Kip's storage bin, I finally have enough places to put things.
  4. OzGT

    A Little Praise For Kip

    I've just started with Kips storage bin. I had the handbrake bezel, but that threw up a natural shaping issue with my right hand drive remade tunnel so its gone back. We also hit a bump in the road trying to get the installed storage bin back in the car with the tunnel as the linkage and cable...
  5. OzGT

    4.0 liter Whipple ????

    Me too +1:cheers
  6. OzGT

    4.0 liter Whipple ????

    A google image search would be fastest: Link
  7. OzGT

    4.0 liter Whipple ????

    LOL, I was thinking the same...:rofl
  8. OzGT

    4.0 liter Whipple ????

    Gents, we're a fair ways through the first quarter of the year, any updates on the kit? I would have thought I'd just about had one by this time when original discussing it late last year...
  9. OzGT

    Wow Cool..Ford GT wireless mouse

    The one I ordered to replace the order is due to be shipped out tomorrow. What a difference.
  10. OzGT

    Wow Cool..Ford GT wireless mouse

    I sent an email, then in the meantime found an eBay store with them. I also noticed low and behold a black model is now out, which I wanted in the first place. So I put a paypal dispute through and ordered one from the eBay store. The guy got back to me asking about which color before I could...
  11. OzGT

    Wow Cool..Ford GT wireless mouse

    It just occurred to me I'm still waiting for mine.....Pathetic service! :thumbsdow
  12. OzGT

    Pedal for the GT

    I landed mine 2 days ago. Look great. Having them fitted next week along with my Storage bin from Kip.
  13. OzGT

    Whatever happened to Version 2/3 of the WHIPPLE??

    I second that thought. I'm champing at the bit, good to go soon as we get the word :biggrin
  14. OzGT

    Pedal for the GT

    Lov'em. Have ordered a set. Thanks for the tip off!
  15. OzGT

    Mintex Xtreme High Performance Brake Pads

    I've got a set too. They work flawlessly.
  16. OzGT

    Wow Cool..Ford GT wireless mouse

    I'm still waiting for my mouse ordered on the 2nd Feb...
  17. OzGT

    Battery Recommendation

    I started using Optima batteries several years back mainly to help with car audio systems. I've had varying experiences with them over that time. The main finding for me with them is that they don't like sitting around unused over long periods, like when a car is the shop for weeks at a time...
  18. OzGT

    McIntosh CD

    I am more than aware of the D/A in such small devices being 'inferior' and yes one can get critical about that, but sonically with quality files, there is nothing to complain about when using the iphone that way, particularly in a car audio system. I also have no troubles nowadays using the...
  19. OzGT

    McIntosh CD

    You're on the wrong track re compression my friend. I am huge critic of over compressed audio! I am home hifi enthusiast(since in short pants) who will not put up with sound quality compromises. You do realise 320kbps encoded MP3 audio is beyond CD quality? I am not talking about buying from...
  20. OzGT

    McIntosh CD

    For me the iPhone scenario was more about finding by default had an incredibly sensible way of having a lot high quality music on me at all times and having it easily interfaceable with all my vehicles to varying degrees. I was very disinterested in iPods until the iPhone came along and I...