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  1. OzGT

    4.0 liter Whipple ????

    Subscribed! :thumbsup
  2. OzGT

    Granatelli Spam?

    Are we sure these packs are exactly the same, since the original post was from 2 years ago? The current email describes them as PRO SERIES Xtreme coils and as if they are a new product.
  3. OzGT

    New Granatelli coil kit

    I hate went tech subject threads are hiding in general discussion. I rarely get there to check. Consider this post redundant, I'll edit it now....
  4. OzGT

    New Granatelli coil kit

    Guys I just got an email(or should I now say spam) the other day on these new coil packs. It seems according to the thread in general discussion, they are over hyped to say the least. Thanks BlackICE for pointing the other threads out :)
  5. OzGT

    THE Tire Thread

    Kyle great feedback. Certainly lines up with my own limited time so far with the PS2 on my new rims. The compound does seem to belie the grip levels achieved.
  6. OzGT

    THE Tire Thread

    The Pirelli Corsa Systems were a slight improvement over the Goodyears, but disappointing traction/handling wise versus my new HRE/Michelin PS2 combo. I would honestly not recommend the Pirelli setup on OEM wheels.
  7. OzGT

    Octane boosters

    I use NOS race formula octane booster since Shell kindly took away their 100 RON product from our market, leaving us with 98RON (which is essentially 94PON). It does the trick in providing a margin of comfort in octane level for both my GT and Cobra.
  8. OzGT

    change odometer to read kilometers

    Hmmmmmm, I'd love to take my car into my good friends at the local Ford dealer(clients of my business) and ask them that... I can just imagine the look on their faces! Remember we are talk NZ + Australia here not North America. No way will the local Ford service computer talk to a US GT. They...
  9. OzGT

    change odometer to read kilometers

    I just live with the miles. Main thing is that I can read the KMH on the speedo!
  10. OzGT

    Finally got to take some pics of my HRE 20/19s on the car

    Nope not a cut. I checked it yesterday as it even looks like it till you actually touch it. Immediately realized though that it's a very thin flap of excess rubber projecting off the sidewall.
  11. OzGT

    Finally got to take some pics of my HRE 20/19s on the car

    Very good...Always got to be a smartass around to jump in. That is in a the 3 mins I was quickly trying to get the imageshack links to work properly. Seems they don't work as direct links anymore...:tongue
  12. OzGT

    Finally got to take some pics of my HRE 20/19s on the car

    I'm really glad I went for the HRE and PS2 combo. I can confidently say I *much* prefer this setup to the Pirelli Corsa Systems I had on the stock rims for a while. The car handles better all round and has improved traction over the supposedly super sticky Corsas. I would certainly steer people...
  13. OzGT

    Story on my GT from Top Gear Oz

    A conversion here runs $A79k retail. My cost was discounted as it was the mule and I kicked off the idea with the conversion company. My car has the gen 2 Whipple kit, FFRP headers and muffler, Accufab T/B w/ Bellow. Essentially the package MMP sell, but with the exhaust added.
  14. OzGT

    Story on my GT from Top Gear Oz

    Correct, next to 100% impossible to do anything with as a left hand drive legally on the road here, simple as that. There was a situation for limited use, which was so ridiculous no one would even contemplate it i.e. something like you could only drive for 50km from where you lived, etc. etc...
  15. OzGT

    Story on my GT from Top Gear Oz

    Sure just click the link next to my sig, will take you right to the company and pics of the car itself.
  16. OzGT

    Story on my GT from Top Gear Oz

    FFRP headers and muffler. If listen to the comments carefully, they are talking about the GT40's original design. I'm not expert and certainly didn't offer any info up to them, but I'd say one of their researchers dug up the design history and it's relation to England...
  17. OzGT

    Story on my GT from Top Gear Oz

    Guys, the Top Gear Australia story using my car went to air the other day. It's now up on Youtube: Hope you guys like it. It was really fun to be involved in the filming.:biggrin EDIT: Better version with full studio intro...
  18. OzGT

    Finally got my GT on a Dynojet here in Oz- but it ran out of range at +680RWHP!?!

    GT's are still making HP above 6000RPM, I'd say something like 6500, similar to your Z06. What your mate is talking about is being hassled by the cops and getting a defect notice and forced inspection as a result. Also, be aware as with the US, it ain't apples with apples between states. They...
  19. OzGT

    Finally got my GT on a Dynojet here in Oz- but it ran out of range at +680RWHP!?!

    Dan is referring directly to the Dynojet 248c design limitation of 160MPH, not the cars own engine rev limiter. I did 167MPH the other day and it was still making power and definitely not out of RPM'S in 4th gear... My tuner is local regional guy who's shop is called Scream'in Performance. Does...
  20. OzGT

    Finally got my GT on a Dynojet here in Oz- but it ran out of range at +680RWHP!?!

    Ok, don't sweat it guys. I asked my good buddy James Parker @ RTWD Performance today about the results. He took it straight to Dynojet and got an answer back in a couple of hours. Seems the old 248c runs out of range at 160MPH. Here's what was said by Dan Hourigan, VP of Dynojet on it...