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  1. Simon

    Schnell Fest HPDE event at COTA and Porsche Race– November 22, 23, 24.

    I plan on attending this track weekend at COTA, if anyone is interested. It would be cool to get the band back together, enjoy the track and watch some real Porsche racing! If you have never run with PCA, you will have to be in the novice group which fills up very quickly, so mark your...
  2. Simon

    NFGT - looking for an authorized Houston area repair facility

    Paul went to Mac Haik Victoria last I heard in 2022.......
  3. Simon

    Best Years FGT? what issues

    My 2019 had the soft start module replaced...see recent thread.
  4. Simon

    Bucket list trip

  5. Simon

    Not your typical new GT Owner

    Where is the work being performed?
  6. Simon

    Something wicked this way comes: MK IV build thread

    Do you have to change other aero bits to run those wheels?
  7. Simon

    CDK Global Hacked

    CDK Global, a company that provides auto dealerships across the U.S. with software for managing sales, was hacked, prompting the company to temporarily shut down most of its systems and effectively preventing about 15,000 car dealerships from making sales.
  8. Simon

    Advice on Where to Look

    Kevin at M2K in Houston would be great aswell for PPI.
  9. Simon

    Single owner question?

    Unicorn! 🦄
  10. Simon

    Wild Machine

    Meticulous CF work. Enjoy in good health.
  11. Simon

    Road Trip Essentials

    Many of us have traveled in our FGTs without a jack. I too carry a plug kit, pump, and fix a flat. Never had a problem. Even with a passenger you can store a lot of stuff behind the seats with no problem. If you are without a passenger its a breeze to pack a week of clothes. Enjoy!
  12. Simon

    Road Trip Essentials

    10mm wrench incase ur battery ground needs adjustment.
  13. Simon

    1st Track Day Test in GT40 mk2

    What speeds are you hitting on the front straight?
  14. Simon

    The New Mustang GTD

    It was a fun process and great experience. Really hope it works out again.
  15. Simon

    The New Mustang GTD

  16. Simon

    Maybe a good option for us?

    I use this CLIQ chair in my track day kit. Very nice product that is comfortable, has nice back support, and pack nicely since I drive to the track and back.
  17. Simon

    Don't be this guy

    ABS is a good way to learn threshold braking while being safe.
  18. Simon

    Something wicked this way comes: MK IV build thread

    MM did track support and delivery? How many cars were there?
  19. Simon

    The GT MK IV is *insane*. COTA now has a sub-2:00 lap from a 2-seat GT car

    Over 100mph through the esses.....amazing grip and downforce! Making it look smooth and easy. Nice driving.