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    Glad you didn‘t pick up any priuses :willy
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    Happy Birthday Stormcat

    Happy birthday buddy. Enjoy your day !
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    Sounds good, I am one of those 35%. If we can adapt from v8 supercharged to V6 twin turbocharged, we‘ll get used to it. The future is just a blink away.
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    GT 2 RS

    You‘ve got too many wonderful cars :wink
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    Happy Birthday DBK !!

    Happy birthday
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    GT 2 RS

    Very nice.
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    Heritage 2X Delivery Video

    A very rare event. Congrats to the owners, the Heritage looks really great.
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    It's Getting Real Now!

    Congrats, now it‘s real. REAL REAL REAL REAL ! What‘s the feeling now it’s in your garage ?
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    It's Getting Real Now!

    Congrats, looking forward to sunday.
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    It's Getting Real Now!

    Like Xmas. Enjoy them.
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    Happy Birthday charleybeck !!

    Happy birthday and best wishes !
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    What is Blue, Approx 43 inches tall and goes over 200MPH...Introducing K19

    Congrats, that looks like a killer day. Enjoy and have fun !
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    Official parts for the NGT

    I Wonder what took you so long to ask for the first mod parts :rofl You‘re a car nut
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    Ford GT Application Deadline

    A black box process usually provokes many questions. I remember something like applicants from first application may have a higher chance than newbie applicants. is the number of people that reapplied known ? Just trying to look smart, in reality I just want to know ... you know !
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    Ford GT Application Deadline

    and that is just the US.
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    Ford GT Application Deadline

    Ed for president :usa
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    T-Minus 48hr Countdown

    Straight from Bangkok ...
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    Ford GT Application Deadline

    Thanks for bringing this up for those with lazy brain cells :willy I just double checked my application and confirmed it. Then I got a website that said I successfully applied. As of now (few hours later) I did not receive any email from Ford, but many other emails. When should I start to worry ?
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    T-Minus 48hr Countdown

    Awesome ... Vince ... you did reach the end of the buying process ... unbelievable ... time to go celebrating with the family Congrats ..ö now the incredible owning experiencing starts.