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  1. D

    Anyone know about this Dark Slate Grey one??

    "Car is NOT tungsten. I have been offered this car many times over the years. Its definitely NOT a stock color." Shelby: Since you have some prior experience with/knowledge of this car, do you know why it was repainted? And since it was a repaint, what kind of discount does that apply to the...
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    Anyone know about this Dark Slate Grey one??

    No stripe, no Mac (!!!), no wheel option, no painted caliper. Pretty rare car. Priced pretty reasonably, no?
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    Ferrari Approved Mileage Rollbacks?

    Can this be true? FTA: "Root claims he was fired after discovering the use of a device designed by the famed car manufacturer in Italy that is capable of rolling back the digital odometers of...
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    Between The White Lines shoots the Ford GT

    That profile shot. Wow.
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    California Weather

    With the additional rain & now possible flooding, I hope all you CA GT owners are OK. Hope you manage to sidestep the rough stuff.
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    Ford no sell agreement

    "And then there's this. Would you buy from someone prior to the time restriction having passed? I don't think I could." No, but you can be damn sure a lot of "high end dealers" (many of whom have questionable reputations) would be glad to take one off your hands to unload it for a quick &...
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    New GT Specs are here

    647? They couldn't find 3 more for 650? Just askin
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    Rust on my Unit!

    " Rust on my Unit!" Does your wife know about this?:lol (Couldn't resist).
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    New Bronco

    I know much if this is out there, but interesting nonetheless. Any insight Dave?
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    "My "other car" used an average of 11 gallons per quarter mile, or you could say 44 gallons per mile- But the 0 to 270 mph in 3.0 seconds was worth it-" So how was the mileage on the T70?
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    C&D today on the subject:
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    AZ C&C Last Saturday

    Great looking car (but take off the side stripes!:biggrin).
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    C&D Drive the Raptor
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    Racing GT350
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    Grabber Blue GT

    My 73 Pantera was that color. For Mustangs, it was known as grabber blue, at least for 1970. BTW, the black no stripe in the background still looks lethal a decade later.
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    John Glenn RIP

    American Hero.
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    New Pics...

    The blue has almost a chameleon quality in the R&T pix.
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    Explanaton of the Five Drive Modes

    From the R&T article: "When the driver clicks into Track mode, the full aero suite is activated as the suspension drops the ride height by 50mm." Uh, does that mean in TM the car is basically scraping the asphalt? Isn't that quite a bit of lowering?
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    New Pics...

    Blue. Definitely blue.
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    New Liquid Red & Heritage Pics

    The mirrors are just too cool.