Search results

  1. mrscape

    Oil change ?

    Hi, I recent change the oil on my GT at a ford dealer. I notice the oil level is 2 in. above full on the dip stick. The dealer said thats fine. Anybody know if that is ok to run it that way ?:confused
  2. mrscape

    Lets see your models

    lucy is the best model picker upper.
  3. mrscape

    Cars and Coffee Irvine

    Let me know if like to meet up or go up together?
  4. mrscape

    Cars and Coffee Irvine

    Iam going to try to come up,sound fun. anybody from san diego going.
  5. mrscape

    Nitro Circus Movie

  6. mrscape

    Hi, do you know Nick D'angelo?

    Hi, do you know Nick D'angelo?
  7. mrscape

    WTB:Heritage GT

    All that smoke dont look to good.
  8. mrscape

    Happy Birthday SYCO GT !!

    Have a good one Randy.
  9. mrscape

    new license plate

    I got it at JBA racing
  10. mrscape

    new license plate

    I just installed my new plate. Guess what i do for a living?
  11. mrscape

    SoCal Sunrise

    Cool pix.
  12. mrscape

    Be there or be square! 50th Anniversary of the Cobra.

    Do you know whats the name of hotel across the street ? thanks mark
  13. mrscape

    Be there or be square! 50th Anniversary of the Cobra.

    I will be there on friday night to saturday.
  14. mrscape

    Race car

    I've watched this video at least 10 times and can't figure out what kind of car that is. :confused
  15. mrscape

    Happy Birthday, HHGT

    happy birthday sam, have a good one.
  16. mrscape

    Happy New Year everyone!

    Happy new year to all.
  17. mrscape

    Happy Birthday, AtomicGT

    Happy b-day & new year from your new guy down south mark
  18. mrscape

    Vin number

    HAPPY NEW YEAR JEFF, I did not get the 3 pics you found the other day? thanks mark
  19. mrscape

    Vin number

    thank you
  20. mrscape

    Vin number

    HI JEFF The # 1FAFP90S16Y400578 Thanks mark