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  1. Shelby#18

    Happy Birthday, FlorIdaho Chris

    Happy Birthday Chris!
  2. Shelby#18

    0 Mile GTX1 in R&T

    True, it does not have zero miles. But it is not the one Kirby owned. If it is the one I believe it is, it has very low miles.
  3. Shelby#18

    0 Mile GTX1 in R&T

    Comments on R & D "Kip Ewing · Works at Ford Motor Company This absolutely is NOT the first GTX1. Like · Reply · 1 · Aug 28, 2015 6:03pm"
  4. Shelby#18

    Rally 10 and autostrada magazine "Dream GT"

    Angelo, I received my copy yesterday. Thank you very much for sending it. The article was very nicely done.
  5. Shelby#18

    Happy birthday Jeff Larson!

    Happy Birthday Jeff!
  6. Shelby#18

    Thanks from Classic Auto Insurance

    Always good to see you Drew!
  7. Shelby#18

    Screen name-change

    Lots easier to remember. It was great meeting you and your wife. Now knowing that you guys are only an hour and forty-five minutes away from the farm, I'll have to make it a point to visit.
  8. Shelby#18

    Thanks Mr. and Mrs. DBK

    One of the most enjoyable rallies yet! Thank you Dave, and Francesca.
  9. Shelby#18

    Just passed 5 GT350's...

    Fixed. :wink
  10. Shelby#18

    New Ivy League Grad

  11. Shelby#18

    My favorite time of year because.....................

    They still show private Ron. That first one was AWESOME!!!
  12. Shelby#18

    GTX1 TT- May 9th Auction

    I can't think of any way even with the vin#. There was no numerical order in which the cars were done. For example one of mine is #9 that car was "rescued" by the GT Guys and completed by them. I would say that any car that has been worked on by the Gt Guys is a lot better than when it left Mark...
  13. Shelby#18

    Family spot we did for the NEW F150

    Wow, nice to see you guys! Even if it has to be on a video. Really well done!
  14. Shelby#18

    My son

    My prayers and condolences to you, your family, and the others involved.
  15. Shelby#18

    Rally 10 Dates

    Booked, thanks Dave!
  16. Shelby#18

    A teeny, tiny W32 Engine

    That is one heck of a conversation piece for anyones desk.
  17. Shelby#18

    So Cal and Central Cal GT Owners coming back on I-15

    I could make it if it was Saturday morning guys.
  18. Shelby#18

    My Dad , My Hero , Died January 26, 2015

    So sorry to see this. Prayers said tonight for your family.
  19. Shelby#18

    Our fearless leaders BiRtHdAy!!!

    I think I'm a day late. Hope it was a nice restful relaxing day with the family.