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Viewing thread Catch up on the Impossible GT Project

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  • Hi MJSFRX - I didn't see this msg until today. Send me a PM next time as I check those daily. Sorry about not responding right away. Did you find transportation? I had a thread under the Rally Section on the forum. I hope you saw that with the contact info. I hope to meet you if you make it out to the Rally. PM me what you end up doing.

    Hi MJ

    It is nice to hear from you

    You are welcome to emaikl me at

    [email protected]

    any time

    Now as for early 05 gals; I have no concerns with the only caveat being that a small number of the very eary had a rear main seal issue however it was resolved and should be of no future concern. With reagrds to a gal with 5-10K miles; mechanically they are built like a brick poop house as such miles in the 5-10K range should be of no concern as long as there is no adverse damage history.

    Let me know how I can assist and I will be glad to

    All the best

    Bill aka Shadowman
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