Recent content by MartinHerman

  1. MartinHerman

    002 for sale

    FGT RM AUction I heard thru the rumor mill at the auction that the bidder would have bid to 300K. RM had trouble getting 220K as a high bid, they buyers were looking for 40's and 50's cars, not super cars.
  2. MartinHerman

    002 for sale

    FGT Sold @ RM AUction for 220K plus fee Hello All, I attended the auction, noteworthy is that most of the buyers at the auction were buying 40's and 50's vintage Fords ( and neon signs) and not in the market for a FGT. I think it was the wrong venue for the FGT sale, and this is why the price...
  3. MartinHerman

    Carlisle Ford Nationals

    My daughter and I will be bringing my FGT 06' - Will we be able to park at the GT Bldg?
  4. MartinHerman

    Carlisle Ford Nationals

    Hello, what are the hours for the FGT function? can I get in the gates with my FGT ? any special pas needed?
  5. MartinHerman

    Wall Mounted GT Model

    Hello, soes anyone want to sell a FGT wall model or know where they can be bought new?
  6. MartinHerman

    Rally 1 detroit date ?

    Hello, when is rally 1 ?
  7. MartinHerman

    valve cover tarnish

    can anyone tell me how to correct the tarnish on the valve cover where it says powerd by ford?
  8. MartinHerman

    FGT sells T bARRETT

    The 2nd FGT Tungsten car just sold. At Barrett for 150' plus fee, it was a 5k mile. Car
  9. MartinHerman

    FGT sells T bARRETT

  10. MartinHerman

    Barrett-Jackson Scottsdale 2010 Ford GT dinner.

    GT dinner Hello Chip, I have attended the last 3 Barrett Jackson Scottsdale. I just bought a FGT in February. I would like to attend the event, myself and 1 other.
  11. MartinHerman

    Ford gt cap/hat?

    Does anyone know if a FORD GT hat/CAP is sold that has the line image of a FGT?
  12. MartinHerman

    Vehicle Storage in Miami Area

    MIA Storage Hello, In FLL a place called the Vault
  13. MartinHerman

    Ford GT wall Model

    does anyone know the cost and where to buy the ford gt 1/2 car wall model?
  14. MartinHerman

    Back up (wireless) Camera - Sam's Club

    Has anyone tried the $79.00 wireless back up camera in the FGT that Sam's Club has for sale?
  15. MartinHerman

    '06 Tungsten For Sale

    Hello, is the GT still for sale?