Recent content by DakotaGT

  1. DakotaGT

    Catch up on the Impossible GT Project

    The most spectacular post I’ve seen in quite a while! Fantastic job, sir. You are a real credit to GT owners. Thank you for your amazing contributions to development of replacement parts that may benefit many of us for years to come.
  2. DakotaGT

    20 lb boost gauge install (Speedhut)

    As I said, that’s just the information that Rich gave me- I never obtained the paint because I found that I could just swap the bezels. You could reach out to Rich and see if he would confirm that paint code. Yes, I swapped bezels between two Speedhut tachometers. Not sure if those are...
  3. DakotaGT

    20 lb boost gauge install (Speedhut)

    There IS a set-screw along the side of the temp control dial (low enough on the profile of the dial that you can only access it by removing the center magnesium tunnel/console), and if that is too loose, it won’t engage the knob that adjusts the blend door. But the parts I found loose in my dial...
  4. DakotaGT

    20 lb boost gauge install (Speedhut)

    Actually, when I had Rich Brooks (TheGTGuy) do some work on my car prior to Rally X, I had him swap out my (fully functioning) factory gauges with the panel from Speedhut, and yes he did paint them. When I got this boost gauge, I planned on painting it to match, and Rich told me it was DuPont...
  5. DakotaGT

    New member

  6. DakotaGT

    MK IV sets GT lap record at Laguna Seca

    That’s incredible! Nicely done, Ben.
  7. DakotaGT

    Looking for power steering hose 05/06 GT Or some are using a Royal Purple one (can’t recall the specifics)
  8. DakotaGT

    Wheel Bearing Hub

    Somebody trying to use an incorrect lug nut?
  9. DakotaGT

    NFGT Trans Cooler

    I would love to see a writeup of your "fix" Brian! Sounds like a good approach, given the description of the problem. No signs of issues with mine so far, but I would definitely be up for a little DIY project like that, BEFORE mine starts to fail.
  10. DakotaGT

    Custom widebody Ford GT - Pantera

    My wife and I just took our early ‘72 lime green Pantera for a cruise and to a show on Sunday. Great cars.
  11. DakotaGT

    Battery removal

    If this were the old GT, we all know the answer would be “check your ground”. Suppose that is the case here?
  12. DakotaGT

    Bucket list trip

    The forum needs a “LOVE” button for posts like this. Good for you guys! How special and fun.
  13. DakotaGT

    NFGT Trans Cooler

    Disappointing to hear, but great info guys- thanks. I better check and see if my PPF is masking a problem.
  14. DakotaGT

    New GT Owner Hennessey 850 Fuel?

    Congratulations on a tremendous purchase! This forum is one of the best things about the whole FGT ownership experience, and an invaluable resource. Welcome!
  15. DakotaGT

    NGFT To match my beloved 06