Recent content by Art138

  1. Art138

    First DIY Service on our GT - Advice?

    I would recommend changing the oil pump belt if it has not been done already.
  2. Art138

    Fuel filter, brake fluid and power steering fluid

    Actually the integrity of the fuel filter holds well over the years. Changed mine a few years back and realized I could have waited many more years.
  3. Art138

    Preemptive Maintenance Tip - Shifter Cables

    I used double high temp wire sleeves and lifted at contact point about 3mm using a hose separator clip for a cleaner fit.
  4. Art138

    Parts wanted

    Can you do a print screen of the items you are looking for? Can’t down load the file.
  5. Art138

    Bad Rear Lateral Links

    I changed mine years ago with the GT101 kit. Still holding well.
  6. Art138

    Master Cylinder for an 05 Ford GT!

    You might try AdvancedAuto for a remanufactured one. You would need the reservoir from the old one.
  7. Art138

    2005 Fog Lights

    The spares I bought years ago are made by Valeo. Hopefully you have the silver ring. Valeo,part number #67721231. Plug Valeo with the part #. Into eBay. Believe there are some for 63 dollars each. They are made for many models in Belgium. There is a seller at the auction site selling one for a...
  8. Art138

    New headlights for 2005/6MY Ford GT

    You might switch the right/left relay to ensure one is not bad.
  9. Art138

    Looking for power steering hose 05/06 GT

    I read as if it was deteriorating while stored. Ok got it.
  10. Art138

    Looking for power steering hose 05/06 GT

    BTW.. only have 4k plus on my car and the original looks fine.
  11. Art138

    Looking for power steering hose 05/06 GT

    I just opened mine-having it over a year and I see no deterioration. Can you post a pic for us to see?
  12. Art138

    Exterior rubber window trim needed. Any suggestions?

    Pic would help of the area you want protected with weatherstrip.
  13. Art138

    Speedometer Malfunction

    You can buy the speed sensor made by Delphi thru eBay for 24$.
  14. Art138

    Oil pressure gauge fluctuation - Yes, another one

    There is a an old post from 08 “Erratic oil Pressure “ the part number they give from Ford is 4GTZ-9D290-AB. I would ask RockAUTO which of the two corresponds.
  15. Art138

    Oil pressure gauge fluctuation - Yes, another one

    If you get a chance post a pic of the location of the sender when you replace.