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  • Terry,
    the guy from Thousand Oaks who also has a place at Spring Mountain and has an Ariel Atom is Bob Mazzarino.
    He purchased a 2005 Ford GT with less than 100 miles odo and had some engine problems. He contacted me for some advice.
    You may meet him some time at Spring Mountain.
    Hi Terry
    It appears I will have to register it in california in someones name witha californian address and pay sales tax etc. does this sound right to you.
    your opinion would be greatly appreciated.I can send you what Eddie sent me in regards to REG 32 form
    Hi Terry & Monica!

    First, I have to say WOW!! to Monica; MJ told me about the 177mph run last week. How amazing! I can't wait to hear all about it first hand. GO girl!

    Second, Chip and I want to make hotel reservations for our night in Paris before we head to Le Mans and are wondering what days you two will be there and where you will be staying. We arrive in Paris on the 6th before going on to Le Mans the next day and would love to get a room at the same place if you all are going to be there that early. Then we'll be back in Paris for one more night on the 14th before we go home.

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