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  • John, if its not to much trouble could you provide info regarding "how to gallery wrap" . What you did looks really great with your posters.
    just looked for you email on home account.
    No hit for you, other than though the Forum.
    Would like to send private PM's with regards to PB.

    I see your one message is for a set of vents!!!!!!!! could this be me?

    Also wanted to let you know if you want, to barrow my fuel lid's for the reverse Engineering.
    I'd be willing to lone them out.
    Regards & please hit me at
    have a good evening

    I guess I have had my head in the sand long enough. Could you please PM me with the cost of the top vents as well as the cost of the side vents? I would need the top vents to match the Silver Stripe on the 2006 Tungsten, and the side vents in the stock "matte" black. Thanks looking forward to receiving the PM.

    JCE-GT (2006 Tungsten - 0187)
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