Registration - Ford GT National Rally IV


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Ok, the time is finally here. Ford GT National Rally IV registration is up and running. Less than 5 months to go!

You can download the rally registration form HERE.

If you wish to pay by credit card, please do so HERE

Ford GT National Rally IV will kickoff on

Wednesday October 14th

at Texas World Speedway. Driver's Meeting will be at 9 A.M and cars will be on track by 10 A.M so please make arrangements for an early drive to the track from wherever you will be Tuesday night. Lunch will be served on site at TWS.


As the track day winds down or if you've had your fill, our hotel this year will be the Four Seasons located in downtown Austin, TX. They have secured underground parking for all our vehicles and a pretty incredibly knowledgeable front end staff.



Their front end manager Luca was very knowledgeable and sensitive to the concerns of the vehicle owners, including the angle of attack any lowered cars may have using one of the available exits (we will use a different one). It was quite impressive to speak with him in person and see the garage layout.

It's also a great location because there's a great deal of cool stuff to do nearby for wives who may get annoyed at all our shenanigans. I've been promised by several local Austin area members that their wive's will help put together some things for the wives to do.


I have booked 50 rooms at the hotel for immediate release and will add more as the group fills. The base room rate is $235 per night, which thanks to DoctorV8's mom and her travel agency, is down from $395 per night. Lake view rooms and suites are also available at significantly discounted rates. As the rooms fill we'll secure additional blocks.

For Hotel reservations Call the Four Season's Hotel at 512-685-8100 and ask for the special rate for the FORD GT National Rally.

If you have any other travel inquiries, feel free to contact the good Doc's mom Deepi Mehta at Travel Leaders at 713-468-7000 or email her at [email protected].

Wednesday evening we will be having a dinner to see old friends and make new ones. We'll also get another chance to hear from members of the FGT program and build team. We're building the guest list now. Expect the usual suspects.

Thursday October 15th

We will make the early drive from Austin to Goliad, TX for the Texas Mile. It's a hike, but the drive is reasonable and can at times be amusing. Please make sure your car is ready to go early. Goliad is a bit of a hike, but it will be well worth it. Lunch will be served on site at the Texas Mile. The day will be long, so dinner on Thursday is up to individuals. There is an incredible area of dining within walking distance of the hotel.


Because of the length of the

Friday October 16th

The day of the 16th will be reserved for some Hill Country Driving. For reasons that should be abundantly clear, this information will be handed out in Austin. :biggrin



Rally IV will *officially* conclude with our traditional final Rally dinner and Charity Auction on Friday evening. Maybe you've heard, but we usually come up with some "ok" things for people to make some charitable donations for. We will of course then roam the streets of Austin partying all Friday night.

Because the events are so driving intensive, that will be the final official event. Those with the constitution for it are then welcome to run out to Sealy to see John Hennessey's shop and run at Lonestar Motorsport's Park.

So that's it. I hope to see you there. You'll have a great time and meet a ton of cool people, and you'll get to drive your GT and drive it hard. Or just park it and enjoy the view. You'll get cool memorabilia including a limited edition litho created by Camilo Pardo. And you'll get to hear some great stories from the team behind the car. Hopefully we can get all the usual suspects back and add a few new faces.

FGT Team Members Confirmed

(watch this space :wink)

Ford GT Chief Designer Camilo Pardo
Ford GT Package, prototype and launch supervisor Kip Ewing
Ford GT Program Manager Jamal Hameedi
Ford GT Supplier QMC CEO Michael Chetcuti
Ford GT Development Team member Rich Brooks
Ford GT Development Team member Dennis Breitenbach
Ford GT Vehicle Dynamics Supervisor Mark McGowan
Ford GT Vehicle Dynamics Engineer Gene Martindale
Ford GT Team Member Alex Szilagyi

If you have any questions, please PM me. We're working on drop offs for cars right now because the hotel is in the downtown area. Cody and his team at American Racing Technology in Buda, TX have offered to store trailers at their secure videotaped shop just outside town so that will be one location.


Many folks have already paid, but I'm not gonna put you on until I have your info in hand! Send in ASAP!

  1. DBK
  2. Shelby#18
  3. RedGT
  4. ChipBeck
  5. AZGT
  6. THamonGT
  7. AwsumGT
  9. SuperB
  10. Biginch Blake
  11. roketman
  12. pauleddy
  13. Indy GT
  14. Joe Dozzo
  15. GTX1-007
  16. PeakCompletions
  17. [email protected]
  18. HiloDave
  19. AlohaGT
  20. Love My GTX1
  21. PL510*Jeff
  22. Fubar
  23. Triheart7
  24. KJRGT
  25. KDO GT
  26. huffmantimm
  27. Ed Sims
  28. pe2unia
  29. fjpikul
  30. GordonWolf
  31. AJB
  32. Cobra
  33. FlagstaffGT
  34. Mark06GT
  35. ByeEnzo
  36. Lightning
  37. dbtgt
  38. texas mongrel
  40. SW
  41. shesgotlegs
  42. macjec
  43. shelbyelite
  44. Eric_Elite
  46. jaxgt
  47. digman1
  48. AMB
  49. FlorIdaho Chris
  50. Ralphie
  51. Camilo Pardo
  52. Anya
  53. Spirit
  54. specracer
  55. Mr. Blue Moose
  56. Mrs. Blue Moose
  57. thegtguy
  58. steved57
  59. Heffner Performance
  60. Piana
  61. Soroush
  62. Shadowman
  63. BigsGT
  64. JBG
  65. UFO74
  66. Stormcat
  67. tmcphail
  68. The Grey Ghost
  69. 427Aggie
  70. Tugboat
  71. silverbullitt
  72. donnymac
  73. jbsteven
  75. DoctorV8
  76. Team Jeff
  77. BlackIce
  78. MarkH
  79. Driveby
  80. LOVE CHP
  81. Apollo
  82. Tim Cantwell
  83. w.a.nelson
  84. 1418
  85. Cyclenirvana
  86. Marv Rose
  87. 93extxdps
  88. Mase
  89. GT38
  90. STUNTS
  91. SYCO GT
  92. Astons


GTX1 Owner/Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Dec 15, 2006
Nev./So. Cal./Minn.
Done! :banana Damn, I can't believe that Dave beat me registering first! :willy How does that guy do it?
Last edited:


Board of Directors/Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 8, 2006
South Florida


Board of Directors/Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 8, 2006
South Florida
Not much of a discount for suites. Ouch

OK, my room is booked.

Woot Woot


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
Hotel DONE, the rest soon to follow.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 14, 2007
Newport/Boca Grande
Done and Done.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Please don't forget to fax your registrations gang. :cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 21, 2006
Foxfield, Colorado
Registered, paid and hotel reservations made. Thanks DBK for putting together another special event.

Nardo GT

Well-known member
Jul 15, 2006
Dave.......I thought Saturday the 17th was reserved to honor my 29th birthday.:wink

Team Jeff

GT Owner
Sep 8, 2007
my 29th birthday.:wink

FlorIdaho Chris

Yeah, I've got one.
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Can't wait!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
Sounds awesome DBK.

Another intense week with my GT and all the great people involved in this forum.

Now the waiting begins!!!


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona


Registration faxed, fees paid via paypal, room booked.



Board of Directors/Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 8, 2006
South Florida
I didn't see the paypal info?

Biginch Blake

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 4, 2008
Rockville, Indiana
Registration paid, registration form faxed, room booked and tank filled.


Board of Directors/Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 8, 2006
South Florida
Any other non-smoker wanna split a pack with me, just so we look cool?


Board of Directors/Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 8, 2006
South Florida
So by google maps, it's about 2 1/2 hours drive from the hotel to Wednesday and Thursdays events (each way). I expect most GT's won't take that long ;-)

I don't like to drive long distances, I have some back problems, so I plan to have my driver take my car directly to Texas World Speedway Wednesday, then load it back up and take it to The Texas Mile Thursday, then load it up and bring it closer to the hotel to pick up Friday morning.

Some of the owners on the truck with me plan to do the same, but we might have room for some extra cars if anyone is interested. I'll try to get a price in a couple days and open a new thread for this.

Just wanted to put the thought into others heads in case you want to do the same with your trailers...


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
DBK - there seems to be "a drawing error" on the Rally VI first page of the entry link . Page two appears just fine. FYI Jeff

Awsum GT

GT Owner '18
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 17, 2005
Carmel & Cntrl Ca
Paid, registered and booked room on the lake :cheers :thumbsup :banana

On the error mentioned above it worked on mine after waiting a few seconds.


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
is it safe to assume most people will be getting to Austin on tuesday, and if so are we going to have a happy hour so that everyone can get acquainted?
just wondering because thats how it was done in vegas and it worked out very well.