I paid about $6K for two each four post direct lifts. Price includes four hydraulic jacks, drip pans, casters, delivery and installation.
Donny, that avatar is waaaay creepier than my stuff. :lol
GT in.... very impressive garage!!
DonnyM.... is that avatar kosher? ??![]()
I am interested in a couple of lifts but I want one of the type that scissors from the side so I can remove wheels & tires or a transmission etc. The other can be a drive-on. Price and quality are considerations. Any suggestions? I have plenty of room.
I've had my BendPak MD-6XP scissor lift for a couple of years.. Very versatile, easy to move around, well built, and relatively cheap ($1700 or so now). Great for getting wheels off, brake work, or detailing (unless you prefer to lie on your back :wink). Norco and Mohawk are other good brands, but are more $$.
I have since added a 4 post - BendPak as well - but that serves different needs: storage, complete under-car access, etc.
Tip: Your FGT's won't fit well on a lot of 4 post lifts due to the track width. Measure 2x, buy 1x. Easily fit on BPak's HD-9 (per comment above).
Looks kind of funny, a treadmill next to two GT's.
Donny, that avatar is waaaay creepier than my stuff. :lol
DonnyM.... is that avatar kosher? ??![]()
DBK, that avatar is the Vegas SEMA dinner waitress that kept asking me for BONY's phone number.
Looks kind of funny, a treadmill next to two GT's.
Wow, what a GREAT idea. :cheers
I was all set to get a hydraulic jack for my HD9 (which I will be ordering next week). I was concerned however with it fitting a hydraulic jack given that I want (need) to use the 'wide' track setting on the HD9 (44 inches vs 37 inches). And ONE hydraulic lift will only lift either end of the car at a time. And it seems that all the jack stands are built for a 'skinny' 37" width of tracks.
And then this post. This scissor lift is barely more than a SINGLE hydraulic jack. And it'll lift the WHOLE car!! So it's WAY cheaper than TWO Hydraulic jacks. Hmmm, methinks I might pass on the hydraulic jack and get one of these instead! Use the HD9 for storage and under car access, and the scissor for all those other times.
So tell me, HIRISC, cause now I'm really curious, is this scissor lift something that you can 'park' over on a regular basis (I see your plywood ramps, but that's probably just for getting on it), or do you need to move it "out of the way" when it's not being used? If it needs to be moved out of the way, how hard is it to move, and can it be stored 'vertically' (like against a wall or something?)?
This is a whole new idea to me, but seems to make more sense than a hydraulic jack if the costing is as suggested. Good thing I wasn't set on getting the jack until next summer. Gives me lots of time to figure out what I want to do!!!
Well Freddy, your sense of humor seems to be returning.
Here is is a problem
The BenPak sliding formerly known as rolling bridge jacks are no longer available.
The new style use Teflon blocks that somewhat poorly can be forced down the track however the greater issue is that the height of the jack was increased by over 1 1/2" which means that if your gal is lower than 4" she will not be able to go on the lift. FYI no Ford GT can be placed on a lift with the new style sliding bridge jacks.
This is not speculation as I went through the process
Now having shared this I have a couple lifts one with a pair of true rolling bridge jacks and yes the combination works very well.
Takes care
Is the stated 'stock' clearance on FGT's of 5" accurate?