Octane boosters


Mark II Lifetime
Apr 11, 2008
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
I was reading an article on octane boosters the other day. Is there any real benefit to them or is it just :bs ? Never used one, but I am curious if there is any real positive effect to throwing one in with each fill up. Has anyone here used them?

John B

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 28, 2006
Octane boosters result in a very marginal increase in octane.
For example, Octane 104+ does not boost your octane to 104,
it only adds about 0.8 so 93 goes to 93.8
Aug 25, 2006
They are smoke and mirrors

Adjust the tune or find better fuel



Mark II Lifetime
Apr 11, 2008
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
Figured they were bogus, but just curious. Car runs fantastic despite our wonderful 91 octane Cali fuel. Thanks for the info guys. :cheers


Research Tolulene. You can find it at most Sherwin Williams stores.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 11, 2007
Orange County, CA
Perhaps someone can verify, but I burned up a few cat's from what I determined to be a result of adding fuel additives.


GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
l carry some for the boat, and have used them when AV gas is not available, just to be on the safe side. Higher octanes are more important for older engines (non-ECM) with high compression ratios.


GT Owner
May 6, 2007
Been using Lucas Oil with aweseome results in my 2003 Cobra. Using a 50:1 concentration, il will make 98 octane out of 93. It allowed me to bump the timing by 4degrees and pick up close to 3mph in the 1/4 mile. Considering we have crappy 91 octane gas around here, I wouldn't leave home without a bottle in the trunk !!

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GT Owner
Jan 14, 2006
You are right

Lucas,is the the one,both whipple cars are tuned for it.And its not just in my head.
Aug 25, 2006
I may stand corrected and would welcome such however my experiences have produced modest results at best.

Certainly it is possible to tune a gal that has an additive within her fuel tank however it remains my belief that the differential in octane is minumal as such tuning her without it would likely produce very similar results.

Now if it is possible to increase the octane rating by 6 plus points with nothing more than a vial of Lucas then I would say it is a home run and yes there could be power created however I remain (sadly) skeptical and yet as stated; willing to learn.

Takes care



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Ralphie used to wash his hair with the stuff. That's how good it is!


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Just came back from an auto store and took a look at a bottle of Lucas Octane boost. The product uses the MMT additive, it works, but read this,

If you “read” spark plugs to tune your engine, the redish-brown MMT residue makes useful readings impossible. Levels of MMT octane boosters just moderately beyond the recommendations of booster manufacturers will foul spark plugs, damage oxygen sensors (O2S) and plug catylitic converters. High percentages of MMT contaminates engine oil and leaves hard metallic deposits in the combustion chambers, piston tops and upper end of the cylinder walls such that engine wear is greatly accelerated. Do not use them in concentrations higher than suggested by their manufacturers.



For the Volvo owners like Bony,


That is why all of the MMT products are labeled for "off road use only". They will over time degrade the emission control systems!

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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 13, 2007
Honolulu, HI
Just came back from an auto store and took a look at a bottle of Lucas Octane boost. The product uses the MMT additive, it works, but read this,

If you “read” spark plugs to tune your engine, the redish-brown MMT residue makes useful readings impossible. Levels of MMT octane boosters just moderately beyond the recommendations of booster manufacturers will foul spark plugs, damage oxygen sensors (O2S) and plug catylitic converters. High percentages of MMT contaminates engine oil and leaves hard metallic deposits in the combustion chambers, piston tops and upper end of the cylinder walls such that engine wear is greatly accelerated. Do not use them in concentrations higher than suggested by their manufacturers.



For the Volvo owners like Bony,


That is why all of the MMT products are labeled for "off road use only". They will over time degrade the emission control systems!


Interesting and informative. Thanks for posting.


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX
Methonanol... ftw!!


Mark II Lifetime
Apr 11, 2008
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
One thing I love about this place. You always get plenty of info on any given topic. The articles 'Ice were very informative. I was always under the impression that the more "octane" a gas had the better it was for a car because it was more efficiently processed. Learn something new everyday.

Since Canada uses MMT does that make their gas worse than ours for use? :cheers

John B

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 28, 2006
Brew your own!!

First of all, I agree with Shadowman, tune to the pump gas you have and dont count on boosters. That being said, I found the information below a few years ago and saved it. I thought it was very interesting and worthy of posting here...

John B

Home brew Octane Booster


Homebrew Gasoline Octane Boosters

Editors note: I would NOT suggest that a person use the following fuel mixtures without considering the detrimental effects on your engine, vital engine components (O2 sensor, etc), and other potential damage. That said, the information is interesting.

Original published in:
1213 Gornto Road
Valdosta, GA 31602
(912) 244-0577
Editor: Richard Lasetter, president Gran Sport Club of America (GSCA)

Formula #1 - Toluene
Mixtures with 92 Octane Premium
10%...........94.2 Octane
20%...........96.4 Octane
30%...........98.6 Octane
Notes: Common ingredient in Octane Boosters in a can. 12-16 ounces will only raise octane 2-3 *points*, i.e. from 92 to 92.3. Often costs $3-5 for 12-16 ounces, when it can be purchased for less than $3/gal at chemical supply houses or paint stores.

Formula #2 - Xylene
Mixtures with 92 Octane Premium
10%...........94.5 Octane
20%...........97.0 Octane
30%...........99.5 Octane
Notes: Similar to Toluene. 12-16 ounces will only raise octane 2-3 *points*, i.e. from 92 to 92.3. Usually mixed with Toluene and advertised as *race formula*.

Formula #3 - Methyl-tertiary-butyl-ether (MTBE)
Mixtures with 92 Octane Premium
10%...........94.6 Octane
20%...........97.2 Octane
30%...........99.8 Octane
Notes: Oxygenate. Very common in octane booster products. Has lower BTU content than toluene or xylene, but oxygenate effect makes the gasoline burn better and produce more energy.

Formula #4 - Methanol or Ethanol
Cost...........$0.60 - $1.75/gal
Mixtures with 92 Octane Premium
10%...........94.3 Octane (Methanol)
10%...........94.7 Octane (Ethanol)
20%...........Not Recommended
Notes: Methanol is wood alcohol. Ethanol is grain alcohol and found in Gasohol in 10% ratios. Both alcohols are mildly corrosive and will eat gas tank linings, rubber and aluminum if used in excessive ratios. Main ingredient in "Gas Dryers", combine with water.

Formula #5 - Isopropyl Alcohol and Tertiary Butyl Alcohol
Mixtures with 92 Octane Premium
10%...........94.5 Octane
20%...........Not Recommended
30%...........Not Recommended
Notes: Similar to Methanol/Ethanol. Isopropyl Alcohol is simply rubbing alcohol.

Sample Mixture
To make your own octane booster, it is easiest to make up a large batch, and then bottle it up in "dosage-size" uses.
Below is the basic formula of one of the popular octane booster products. To make eight 16 ounce bottles (128 oz = 1 gal):
o 100 oz of toluene for octane boost
o 25 oz of mineral spirits (cleaning agent)
o 3 oz of transmission fluid (lubricating agent)
This product is advertised as "octane booster with cleaning agent *and* lubricating agent!". Diesel fuel or kerosene can be substituted for mineral spirits and light turbine oil can be substituted for transmission fluid. Color can be added with petroleum dyes.


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
John B,

I checked into it last year and when I was asking about Toluene and Xylene, the local paint store guy thought I was cooking Meth! :rofl


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
John B,

I checked into it last year and when I was asking about Toluene and Xylene, the local paint store guy thought I was cooking Meth! :rofl

Don't worry about that. Just have some cookies and milk ready to give to the DEA, after they kick your doors in! :lol

BTW, I read similar articles to what John B posted. Note that toluene is the most cost effective, but is much higher in price than $2.50/gal. When I check it was more like $8/gal in a 55 gal drum special order from the paint store. I don't know if you get on the DEA list, but if you pay in cash and cover up your license plate, you are good to go. :rofl Note you have to be careful not to spill the stuff, as I have heard that it can damage your paint. Toluene is harder to vaporize, so depending on the temperatures you drive in, adding too much will cause hard starting problems. 30% is considered max, and that is for warm weather use. Also note that you are diluting out the additive package in the gasoline the more you add. That cannot be good for the car.
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Gentlemen, DEA does not cover these chemicals. You'd probably have ATF and Homeland Security on your butts.


Mark II Lifetime
Apr 11, 2008
Lake Las Vegas, Henderson, NV
John B,

I checked into it last year and when I was asking about Toluene and Xylene, the local paint store guy thought I was cooking Meth! :rofl

Apparently adding in some sudafed purchases and you will be an entrepreneur. :lol

I went to pick up some sudafed for my wife last month. The pharmacist asked me for my drivers license. I stated that I only wanted one box. She said all sudafed purchases require a drivers license for ID and proceeded to write all my information in the Big Brother book. :willy

This is not the same world that I grew up in.:bored