Took the TT GT to the track on Sunday WOW


Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 22, 2008
Moscow, Russia
Now I understand the true difference between a mid engine supercar and everything else.
It was my first time with the GT driving hard through corners. The car is magnificent! Handling is very solid and any oversteer that occurs is very predictable and easy to correct. I got the impression that I just needed to touch a bit the steering in order to correct any oversteer I had. The brakes held very well for 6 laps (didn't have time to do more). The TT set up and gearing fit just right for the track that I was on - most curves I exited in 2nd gear at around 4k RPM. Even taking in to account that I was quite carefull I managed to improve my time in a 600HP 911 turbo with KW suspension by around 6 seconds out of a 1.54.00 lap before.And I was a lot less tired and it was easier for me than doing the lap in a 911 TT.
On the Longest straigt my top speed was 270 km/h compared to 200 km/h in the 911 and in the fast S bend I was going 150 km/h compared to 130 in the 911.
The only set back is that I used up 30% of the fuel tank only in 6 laps :)

After going back from the track I heard a strange noise coming from the gearbox/ tranny area - It was a quiet rattling sound (kind of like a blender when crushing ice or walnuts) when giving slight gas in 1st and second gear. Maybe It was there before and I am just being paranoid, during acceleration and switching no noise heard - everythinkg works just fine. What could it be?
The temp of the engine did not go up higher than 210.

After that we had a short race with a modded Porsche CGT (about 680 HP) and I was ahead for about 2secs/lap, the driver was not so good though.

Here are some pics that I took at the track and a nice scenery pic taken while we had lunch after the track.
P.S The funny car on the mid picture is the new race series called Legends (you have it in the US) and the model of the white car is called 1936 Ford coupe :)


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Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Great post, thank you Alex!! Bravo!!


GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
Love the car with background pics!


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Alex Having Fun

Alex your first day at the track brought back good memories of doing the same thing in the GT. Such an easy car to go fast and safe in. It does use a lot of fuel - quickly. Oh well, small price to pay to have tons of fun.

Nice photo's. Your White GT looks so good compared to the gray cars nearby.

The Legends are really fun to play with. I know you'll have a great time in them. Really fun when set up for a road track. Not to good with real long straights, however. Usually geared for smaller ovals, so they run out of motor quickly.

Thanks for the post.


GT Owner #1872
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 7, 2007
Central, Illinois
Nice pics and thanks for the track feedback. Good to see someone using the car for what it was intended.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
what track were you at ?

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
"...the model of the white car is called 1936 Ford coupe."

Judging from the teardrop headlight mounting points in the fenders, looks like it's a '37 replica to me? :shrug Am I nuts? Uh. Lemme rephrase that: am I wrong? (The grille's kinda nebulous as to the year from that angle.)


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
"...the model of the white car is called 1936 Ford coupe."

Judging from the teardrop headlight mounting points in the fenders, looks like it's a '37 replica to me? :shrug Am I nuts? Uh. Lemme rephrase that: am I wrong? (The grille's kinda nebulous as to the year from that angle.)

MT should know. He claims he was at the factory for new model introduction from the early 1920's all the way through the 100th Anivesary Celebration!

jeez larry - the legends are representations of the '30's. But then you knew that.

btw the check is in the mail.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
MT should know. He claims he was at the factory for new model introduction from the early 1920's all the way through the 100th Anivesary Celebration!

jeez larry - the legends are representations of the '30's. But then you knew that.

btw the check is in the mail.

Aaaaaaaah! Th' ol' "check is in the mail" story, huh? I assume the amount written thereon reflects the "interest owed" as well? :lol :cheers


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Aaaaaaaah! Th' ol' "check is in the mail" story, huh? I assume the amount written thereon reflects the "interest owed" as well? :lol :cheers

Nice hijack of Alex's thread.

Interest Owed is not a term I am familiar with. Purchase discount was noted in the amount section of the check. Best call the Bank in Palau to confirm the amount of bird poo is in that acount.


GTX1 Owner
Mar 25, 2006
Very nice, please drive safe...

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Nice hijack of Alex's thread.

Interest Owed is not a term I am familiar with. Purchase discount was noted in the amount section of the check. Best call the Bank in Palau to confirm the amount of bird poo is in that acount.

:rofl:rofl:rofl :tongue


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2007
hey pl510 jeff, i like the display pic. thats about 1 1/2 hours from where i used to live. trees of mystery is pretty fun. when did you go there??


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2007
that black cherry/maroon colored GT is a beautiful work of art. very nice car indeed, better spoil her. shes the only woman worth spoiling.


GT Owner
Mar 9, 2007
So Cal
Поздравление от США, that's congrats from the USA for the non Russian readers :thumbsup


Tungsten GT Owner
Sep 20, 2007
Hattiesburg, MS, USA
Hey Alex,
Is that race with the Veyron still on????????:willy


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
cool, thanks for the write up.. !!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 13, 2006
Southern CA
Hey the guy was trying to ask about the noise he heard. Can someone help him to ID it?


Tungsten GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 8, 2006
Austin Texas
I'd like an answer as well as I've noticed something similar on occasion in my pullied GT.


Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 22, 2008
Moscow, Russia
The race with the Veyron is still on - weather conditions were really bad on Saturday night. Now it's +5 C and snowing :( In the next 2 - 3 weeks we will try. Also an Enzo will join us. It is very hard to organise such things here because you have to bribe the cops to close the road for 30 mins :) The long straigth that we have at the Russian motor certification department is under reconstruction and is opening in 1 month or so.