Sale of Salvage Titled GTX1

Kirby Vieira

GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
For the curious and those keeping track of things like this, my Blue '06 GTX1 (VIN 1451) drowned in a flash flood of a river in Atlanta 3 1/2 months ago. Totally submerged, she disappeared in nasty river water for a day until the river receeded, allowing her to come up for air without moving from the exact spot where she disappeared.

Today the car was auctioned in below freezing weather at an insurance salvage auction in Atlanta. No one else was there to bid on her in person, but several buyers were lurking on the internet and she was purchased by someone in Virginia for $77,000. I attended and bid on behalf of some Forum friends capable of making the proper repairs which would involve a total restoration with disassembly and rebuild of everything and replacement of everything electrical plus the soft materials. The GT Guys could have restored it to better than delivered condition, but no one can restore the title.

We were fortunate, the water didn't reach our living space, although it submerged a car located much higher than the 100 year flood level on a 4 post lift in the above-ground garage. No one anticipated what has since been acknowledged as one of the worst floods in US History...worse than a 500 year flood. A couple entire subdivisions that were not located in identified flood zones had flood water to the roofs of 2 story homes...and none of these people had flood insurance.

9/21/09 is a date and event I will never forget, because that car was like no other. I ordered her for the purpose of becoming a GTX1 . Took delivery and drove to Green Bay for the conversion and about 10 months later she arrived and the rest is a short history of incredible memories. It would be impossible for any of you to love your FGT more than I loved mine. I have a couple cars worth more money but would much rather have seen them wash away if the X1 could have been spared. But I was lucky. I drove that car on good-weather-days 12 months a year. It turned an average day into a great day and a good day into one you don't want to end. 13,000+ adrenaline filled miles in 2+ years at about 50 miles per regrets, and that's the most positive thing about this awful experience. Although I sure miss her, there are no regrets about the time she was mine. We don't know what tomorrow holds...don't have regrets with any of your ladies. :cheers

Jason's Auto Spa

Well-known member
May 22, 2007
Wow, I am very sorry to hear this Kirby! I remember being in awe and detailing that GTX1 in July 2007. What a mess, those 13,000 miles were probably unforgettable :thumbsup


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA
Geeeez bud.....that just ain't right. Sorry to hear.

Though I will be very interested in your future posts regarding the build out of a new and better toy for you!

Sometimes Kirby, bad things happen to good people. But good people always end right side up.:thumbsup Your smile is too bright to darken your corner.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Wow Kirby, Sad story.. Thanks for sharing ...:frown

I appreciate your positive attitude..:thumbsup

Chris A.

GT #32
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 6, 2007
Ortega Mountain, CA
Christ Kirby....very sorry to hear that.......If that was my story it wouldn't have read so're a class act.

And I'll take your advice and enjoy my gal to the fullest


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
sorry to hear that, very sad but I hope there is a better ending to come.


GTX1 Owner/Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Dec 15, 2006
Nev./So. Cal./Minn.
When I had my first GT in for conversion it was Kirby that was always there to keep my dream alive. As many know it was and continues to be one of the worst experiences of my life, someday I hope it will come to an end. Kirby and I met a few times in person and spent many a day on the phone, on the forum, or emailing each other. He was always telling me about the drives he would go on, and the fun he was having. I lived my X1 experiences through him, and truly felt for him when he told me about what happened. It is hard to believe its gone.

I never thought I would get my car back, and purchased another one that was completed elsewhere. So my dream in owning an X1 became a reality, and I can only hope there is another X1 in my friends future.

Always there for you Kirby....

Gill Jr.

GT Owner
Aug 7, 2007
Orange County, CA
Very sorry to hear this news. I know how much that car meant to you. I hope you are able to find a replacement and that you continue to be a frequent participant on this forum.


Ex GTX1 Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
May 24, 2009
Tampa, FL USA
I am not kidding, I got a little misty eyed reading that. That sucks beyond words, loosing something so hard to replace. I hope Kip or someone can get to the point of producing a few of the X1s for those that really would like to go topless.

I never let anyone drive my car, but if our paths cross, I'll be happy to take the navigator seat and let you fly mine Kirby. Best wishes,


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Wow, that really sucks Kirby; but you can still come to the Rallys. From Atlanta drought to flash floods. What a year. My condolences.


Well-known member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 3, 2005
Renton, Washington
Keep the Faith.

Hope there's another GT in your future.


Proud Owner/ BOD blah bla
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 14, 2006
North Carolina
a member sent me a link to it on an auction site last week Kirby. Almost cried when I saw it and was thinking of you....... Keep the faith! Gotta have Kip & GTGUYS build another one for you :cheers


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
Sorry to hear that story.
Wish you well.
Time to buy another Gt Even of it has a roof it's a pretty cool car,with a very similar personality
Bests Ron


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
Taylor Michigan
Kirby, My heart goes out to you. I have always loved the GT and the GTX1. I can't imagine what you were feeling when you realized what had happened.
You are a true gentleman of the forum. My thoughts can not come to grips with what I would have felt in the same experience. Wow!

Nardo GT

Well-known member
Jul 15, 2006
Kirby.....very sorry to hear about the loss. The flood was a tragedy for many. I hope insurance reimbursed you properly. I can imagine most of the uninsured homeowner's mortgage companies will get stiffed with many flooded houses. Tragedy for those people, but it dang sure isn't the mortgage companies fault and they shouldn't be left holding the bag that I'm sure will get passed to taxpayers.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
OMG!! This is such sad news as I try to mentally walk myself through the events that you must have gone through I get chills thinking about it. My condolences go out to you along with hopes that a new gal will come soon.


Mark II Lifetime
Jun 23, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
I'm so sorry for you Kirby. But I'm glad that you enjoyed your time with her. I hope that another gal makes her way to your home soon.


GT Owner
Mar 3, 2006
Lago Vista, TX
I also live in a flood zone. Fortunately it is a large lake. So far I have about 48 hours notice when a flood event might happen. In 17 years it has happened twice. The GT and other cars are the first to move out to another location, then I dealt with everything else.

Some of the residents upstream have current hitting their boat docks and homes. One of my favorite floating restaurants was washed away a few years back.

Dealing with FEMA is actually worse than the flood itself. I hope it never happens to you again.


GT Owner
Feb 11, 2009
Marietta Georgia
really feel for you Kirby

As you know I have expressed my heartfelt condolences for your flooded house and cars. As Kirby knows I had a house on the same street and it was my dream to live in Vinings on the Chattahoochee river, until my house kept flooding, turning a dream into a nightmare. I finally sold it, this recent flood that ruined Kirby's cars, flooding my former house almost to the roof. I now live on top of a mountain never again to live anywhere near water. One does not know how devastating a flood can be (especially a river flood as we all can imagine what washes down) until personally experienced.
Kirb hope to see you soon in your new GT!


GT Owner
Mar 3, 2006
Lago Vista, TX
As you know I have expressed my heartfelt condolences for your flooded house and cars. As Kirby knows I had a house on the same street and it was my dream to live in Vinings on the Chattahoochee river, until my house kept flooding, turning a dream into a nightmare. I finally sold it, this recent flood that ruined Kirby's cars, flooding my former house almost to the roof. I now live on top of a mountain never again to live anywhere near water. One does not know how devastating a flood can be (especially a river flood as we all can imagine what washes down) until personally experienced.
Kirb hope to see you soon in your new GT!

I agree. I will never live in a flood plain again if I move from my current house. 99% fun 1% hell.