Ouch! But deserved...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 26, 2006
Carlisle, PA
JOHN CENA SUED BY FORD for selling $500k supercar

For Selling $500k Supercar

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Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Knew it was coming.

So before you sell your GT early, decide if you want your name dragged through the court system and a nice big legal bill.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 26, 2006
Carlisle, PA
Knew it was coming.

So before you sell your GT early, decide if you want your name dragged through the court system and a nice big legal bill.

Why sell this beauty?! Rolling artwork that does it all... the anticipation is killing many! :)



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jun 24, 2006
Metro Detroit
It’s a shame the guy chose not to honor his obligations. Maybe his agent subscribes to the theory that any news is good PR?


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 28, 2011
Fayetteville, Ga.
Good to see Ford taking a stand

Special K

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 23, 2016
Franklinton, LA
And Justice For All...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Just announce today he’s marring his wrestler girlfriend and probably needed the money for his wedding. How Stupid! Glad Ford is suing his ignorant Ass! Hope he has to put off his wedding due to lack of funds! HA HA
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GT Owner
Just announce today he’s marring his wrestler girlfriend and probably needed the money for his wedding. How Stupid! Glad Ford is suing his ignorant Ass!

I seriously hope Ford is able to make an example of Cena......failing to do so would certainly undermine the credibility of the application/acceptance process and may inspire other owners to consider flipping. (just stating the obvious)


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jun 1, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
I have a few choice words for him I cant put on the forum. Disappointing for the many applicants like myself that were not selected to see a NGT flipped. Go get him Ford.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2005
I have a few choice words for him I cant put on the forum. Disappointing for the many applicants like myself that were not selected to see a NGT flipped. Go get him Ford.

For sure.

"Cena flipped it for a big profit." -ugh
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 7, 2008
Lafayette, CO
He is wealthy, right? Makes me think this was a 1st degree hose job. Karma is a bitch. Bitch.


GT Owner
Apr 15, 2007
South Florida
wow, wonder who bought the car and if they have to give it back?


GT Owner
Sep 30, 2009
So what happens when one of you guys gets fired or laid off a week after you get your car. You gonna sell it to your C&C buddy under the table for $200k profit (maybe more) to keep food on your table, or just foreclose on your home and yank your kid out of college so you don't offend Ford and so the FGT Forum fanboys don't call you a douchebag? Who knows what's going on in John Cena's life to where he decided to sell it - maybe he has a major drug problem or maybe he's paying child support for 20 kids around the country? Or, maybe some guy offered him $1m for it and he thought it would be cool to donate his profit to the Wounded Warriors Project??? Get off your high horses - people sell their limited edition cars all the time - cars way more limited than the NFGT, sold by companies much more petty than Ford. He won't pay a dime to Ford if he has a lawyer worth his weight in salt.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 18, 2014
Kalama, Free part of WA State
He signed the contract. If he wasn't in a position to keep the car in accordance with the terms, he shouldn't have signed the contract in the first place. Even if he wins (doubtful), he'll have a mountain of legal bills. He should have thought about that too. Moron.

I doubt that anyone who is eligible to get a new GT is gonna lose his house if he gets laid off.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California
It is amazing how people don’t play by the rules.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
Cena Fan Boy

So what happens when one of you guys gets fired or laid off a week after you get your car. You gonna sell it to your C&C buddy under the table for $200k profit (maybe more) to keep food on your table, or just foreclose on your home and yank your kid out of college so you don't offend Ford and so the FGT Forum fanboys don't call you a douchebag? Who knows what's going on in John Cena's life to where he decided to sell it - maybe he has a major drug problem or maybe he's paying child support for 20 kids around the country? Or, maybe some guy offered him $1m for it and he thought it would be cool to donate his profit to the Wounded Warriors Project??? Get off your high horses - people sell their limited edition cars all the time - cars way more limited than the NFGT, sold by companies much more petty than Ford. He won't pay a dime to Ford if he has a lawyer worth his weight in salt.

Normally I’d just delete a post as inane as this but I’m actually going to respond. 1. When I bought my new GT I signed and had to notarize two contracts agreeing not to sell the car for 24 months. They were not ambiguous. The car can be sold back to the selling dealer for what you paid for it. 2. You think Cena had $500,000 to pay for it but two days later was forced to sell it to pay bills. Bullshit. 3. He sold the car for 2 million dollars. Not a $200,000 profit. 4. Cena has a stable full of cars that he is free to sell but he chose not to. 5. I guarantee that Cena is wealthier than me, Tomy, DBK, and a few others here that have NFGT’s and we all could have accepted some of the insane offers we have received. Forget 200k, I could have sold my GT for over triple what I paid for it. Either your word is worth something or it’s not. A contract is a contract. 6. “More petty than Ford”, are you kidding me?!? Ferrari, Lamborghini, & Mclaren all contractually restrict flipping limited edition cars. It’s standard operating procedure with cars like these. 7. Cena is not donating his 1.5M profit to Wounded Warriors. 8. Cena is a douchbag. If he was in financial trouble he had no business buying a half million dollar car he would have to flip a couple days later violating a signed binding agreement that was a condition of sale.

A lot of loyal high volume Ford buyers and GT owner/members here deserved a chance to buy a new GT. There just weren’t enough cars to make it all happen. So when a wealthy jerk wad like Cena flips his GT within a week of taking delivery to score a big profit a bunch of us here including those with new GT’s are offended and pissed. None of them need to get off of their high horse. If you want to cheer Cena on or look for a way to excuse this wealthy honorless celebrity fine, I hope he gets his ass handed to him in court.

Last, if you had any hope of securing a NFGT allocation your post indicating you think Cena’s action here is defendable probably didn’t help your cause. Cheers.

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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 3, 2007
Northern California
Well said Chip.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
So what happens when one of you guys gets fired or laid off a week after you get your car. You gonna sell it to your C&C buddy under the table for $200k profit (maybe more) to keep food on your table, or just foreclose on your home and yank your kid out of college so you don't offend Ford and so the FGT Forum fanboys don't call you a douchebag? Who knows what's going on in John Cena's life to where he decided to sell it - maybe he has a major drug problem or maybe he's paying child support for 20 kids around the country? Or, maybe some guy offered him $1m for it and he thought it would be cool to donate his profit to the Wounded Warriors Project??? Get off your high horses - people sell their limited edition cars all the time - cars way more limited than the NFGT, sold by companies much more petty than Ford. He won't pay a dime to Ford if he has a lawyer worth his weight in salt.

I was just getting ready to fire off a scorching reply, too- but then saw that Chip already said everything that needed to be said. I will still add: Too bad. I always thought John Cena seemed like a cool dude (as much as you can tell such a thing without knowing the man), but this was sure a REAL dick move. Can't blame Ford, but unfortunate that they made the wrong call by selecting him. Yeah, doubtful he'll end up owing Ford, but I bet the impact of having his name (rightfully) besmirched will have SOME repercussions... I hope so, anyway.


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
:agree: with Chip. If you think you may need the money within 2 years, don't buy the car, or sell it back the the dealer as you agreed to.