I know this is an old subject but for those newer GT owners, it's worth repeating.
shown on my red car is a custom made secondary latch release bar sold by Rich Brooks at the GT Guy LLC.
this takes the stretching out of the process for us old guys of reaching the far side release latch on the clamshell.
pop the handle on the roof to open the clamshell and reach in and push down on the bar and it opens both sides
at the same time. super easy to install. shows off good on my red car because my clamshell is painted body color
on the bottom side. you get the bar and 2 new billet secondary latches.
A must have! call Rich at the GT Guy LLC

shown on my red car is a custom made secondary latch release bar sold by Rich Brooks at the GT Guy LLC.
this takes the stretching out of the process for us old guys of reaching the far side release latch on the clamshell.
pop the handle on the roof to open the clamshell and reach in and push down on the bar and it opens both sides
at the same time. super easy to install. shows off good on my red car because my clamshell is painted body color
on the bottom side. you get the bar and 2 new billet secondary latches.
A must have! call Rich at the GT Guy LLC