My morning started out with a phone call from Bernardo (Delivery Specialist) stating that everything was on schedule for 2pm delivery with Reliable so I started setting up for the big reveal. My selling dealer had decided to throw a party with food, drinks, and champagne for over 50 family, friends, and fellow Ford employees to commemorate the big day. After everyone ate, the reliable truck pulls in and everyone gathers to set eyes on the special package inside. What a day it was looking at every angle of the car circling and circling in complete disbelief that this is really happening and the sounds from everyone once they saw the car go into V-Max mode was comical to say the least as most in attendance knew very little about the car. Bernardo spent a couple of hours going over every aspect of the car (I hope I can at least remember half of what he said:facepalm
and after a ton of pictures from two professional photographers we set out for a test drive. WOW :eek this piece of art is an engineering marvel and is truly truly truly unbelievably well done. We stopped at the gas station and people were pulling up asking to take pictures and saying how awesome the car looked. As we traveled down the road playing with all the controls and modes I could see cars screaming up behind me to see the car and their jaws dropped when the wing went down in storage while we were driving. I put about 40 miles on the car so I really can’t go into to many driving details as I was more worried about playing with all of the buttons and learning what they did but I can say the little I did drive the handling felt like nothing I have experienced with any other car I have driven.
I would like to give a shout out to Pete K, Carl M, Brian C, and Chris L. for traveling down with their GT’s and being a part of this once in a lifetime experience with me. You guys are awesome!!
Below are a few of my phone pictures and I will post more once I receive them from the photographers but for now I am completely exhausted so I should sleep tonight unlike last night.
I would like to give a shout out to Pete K, Carl M, Brian C, and Chris L. for traveling down with their GT’s and being a part of this once in a lifetime experience with me. You guys are awesome!!
Below are a few of my phone pictures and I will post more once I receive them from the photographers but for now I am completely exhausted so I should sleep tonight unlike last night.