
Ford GT to be priced “Near Aventador”

News editor Dave Guilford of the Automotive News is reporting from Geneva that Ford Performance boss Dave Pericak puts the new Ford GT in the price range of the Lamborghini Aventador.  Base price of the raging V12 bull starts at $397,500.

  • B
  • March 2, 2015
Guess we are now back to looking at the Corvettes and Porsche! Ford is being unreasonable and consumers will move on.
    • G
      Gary surdyke
    • January 8, 2016
    Ford's total production plan over 4 years is only 1000 total GT's. Be certain, they will all sell and the resell value will immediately go thru the roof.
  • R
  • March 3, 2015
very unhappy FORD.. I guess my old 05 GT will stay the top car in my garage.. Thanks for thinking of the guys who had them for a decade..
  • S
  • April 17, 2015
Disappointed. Local dealer gave me a "guaranteed first delivered" with a sizable deposit in January. I was expecting $200,000 - $250,000 price. Its very cool but its not $400,000 cool. The preliminary specs on the 2017 mid engine Corvette they are very similar at an expected price range of $150,000. I will be in the market for an 2005 or 2006 with low miles from a private seller 248-585-6074
    • G
      Gary surdyke
    • January 8, 2016
    And watch your corvette depreciate.
  • J
    Jerry D Young
  • February 26, 2016
To compare the $150,000 corvette to the 2017 Ford GT is beyond ludicrous. The only thing the two cars have in common is they both have 4 wheels and 2 seats.

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